a God. Any God.
you believe in God then you have to believe that he
had a progenitor, that he just didn't pop out of thin
air. C'mon, think about it, people!
And if you believe that God had antecedents,
then you have to believe that he's not all-powerful,
that there may exist godlike creatures similarly as
And if you believe all that, how do you know you're
praying to the right god? You might be praying to a
lesser bureaucrat in the deity chain, the ecclesiastic
equivalent of the janitor for all you know.
Just sayin'.
I do go on (and on and on) about the
silliness of religion, but I finally found a reason
to complain that might
strike a nerve with the more pious of
to figures
by the Council
for Secular Humanism, organized religion
is subsidized in this country to the tune of $71 billion
dollars per year, and very little of this stunning
sum makes it back into the pockets or bellies of the
needy. Wal-Mart, according to the article,
is more charitable than most religious organizations
put together. (You have NO IDEA how much it galls me
to report that.)
So where is all this money going? Good question, but
it certainly isn't going to God's bank vault on the
sky, but it IS coming out of your pocket whether you
put it in the collection plate or on the horses at
So tax the church. Tax 'em now! That goes double for
churches that advance conservative political dogma.
Oh, that Mitt.
Zeusse has written a column at Business Insider entitled
Romney's Three Big Lies". In a nutshell:
• Bain did not create jobs.
• Republicans do not have better economic ideas.
• Being a wealthy businessman does not make someone
a better president.
Please read
the story as Mr. Zuesse goes into much
more salient detail than I.
Mitt Romney is a liar. A big fat, liar.
And now our Chart of the Day:
Pass Hispanics in Immigration

Republican Job Creation Update
6-20-2012: The
past two days have seen nothing fancy from the House.
Just a couple of suspension bills and some laws aimed
at American Indians. No attempt was made to create
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth
please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
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