don't need someone who can think. We need someone with
enough digits to hold a pen." ~ Republican strategist
Grover Norquist.
The Republican Party stopped working for
the betterment of the average American over thirty
years ago, but they officially stopped on January 21,
2010, the day the Supreme
Court decided in favor of Citizens United on a 5-4
As a result, Republican candidates are now backed
by so much corporate money that they have no further
to their
voters, only to their contributors. GOP candidates
know that all they have to do is flood the media with
and outright lies and they can get all the votes they
need, and all they need do is outspend their opponents
by an 8-1 margin. It worked to perfection in the recent
recall election in Wisconsin and it'll work where you
live, too.
Yes, enough voters just are that stupid.
Ah, the glories of democracy.
Oh, that Mitt.
A recent story by the Washington Post reveals that Mitt Romney's
Bain Capital invested in companies that outsourced
LOTS of jobs.
To paraphrase Mitt's response:
"It's not 'outsourcing', it's 'offshoring'.
See? Totally different thing."
Mitt Romney is a liar. A big fat, liar.
And now our Chart of the Day: Multi-billionaire
Republican Sheldon Adelson is prepared to spend
$100 on Mitt Romney's presidential bid.

Bigger version of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
6-22-2012: The
clusterfuck that is the Republican-led House of
Representatives spent much time dawdling over the
bill, the only meaningful jobs bill under consideration.
(Don't get your panties twsited about the "jobs"
part of this bill. This same bill sails thorugh the
every year... unless Barack Obama is president.) no
jobs were created.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth
please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
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