Are Duh Champions
not joking one tiny bit about how Republicans want
to limit your children's education. Here's the entire
from page
12 of their
party platform manual:
"We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking
Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking
and similar programs that are simply a re-labeling
of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning)
focus on behavior modification and have the purpose
of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and
undermining parental authority."
In other words, don't teach children to question authority.
Just teach them enough so they're too dumb to steal.
They also call for the repeal of the Civil Rights
Act, among other charming notions. This shouldn't come
as a shock to anyone who knows that the Republican
party strategist, Grover Norquist, once demanded, "We
don't need someone who can think. We need someone with
enough digits to hold a pen."
If you like you can download
a copy of this doozy for
It's good for a laugh. And a cry.
In Wednesday's Raging Pencils I painted
John Roberts as the emblem of my discontent with the
Supreme Court. I chose him specifically because his
name is less obvious than the other judges,
which allowed for a bigger surprise at the end.
though I thank him for coming through for the American
people today, just barely, he
will always be a first-class weasel in my book for
eating the living heart
a Girl Scout....
I mean, voting for Citizens United.
I'll trade
modest improvements in our health care system for a
semi-functioning voting system any day.
Oh, that Mitt.
Romney's reaction
to the health care decision by the Supreme
Court was to again try and scare Americans by stating that
20 million people will lose their health insurance as a result
of the law.
For the record, the Congressional Budget Office has found
that three to five million people will actually lose their
employment-based insurance, but only as a result of
transitioning to the benefits of the Affordable
Care Act.
Mitt Romney. Queen of liars.
now our Chart of the Day:
Health Care Cost vs. Life Expectancy

Massive version
of chart to be found here.
Republican Job Creation Update
6-29-2012: On
Thursday, the 28th, the House passed several Homeland
Security bills, named a couple of post offices, and
voted to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in
contempt of.... something because the right-wing
base is screaming for blood and they must be appeased.
No jobs were created.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth
please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Fox News Lies. Dump
Fox News
News' response to the Health Care decision was to
give a right-wing
whackadoodle free airtime to call
for armed
insurrection. Yeah, I'd say that's fair and balanced.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system. |