over a month ago I ran a little scam wherein the highest
bidder in an official Raging Pencils eBay auction would
have the pleasure of getting their mug slapped on
a Raging Pencils cartoon.
The naive sucker, I mean, lucky winner was Ward Zintel
from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It took me a while to
find a joke which would suit his Canuckly comeliness
but today's the day.
The Big Prize also includes a copy of the original
artwork but, well, let's just say "Thank Cthuhlu" for
I plan on having another such auction in the near future.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
ago, before the dawn of affordable VCRs, I used to
tape everything I found of interest with my trusty
little portable cassette recorder. I mean EVERYTHING.
Among the pile of tapes I'd amassed over the years
were two treasures I've
to digitize and share, each an hour-long episode of
an old National Public Radio program called "Options".
The first is called "I,
Thou, and the Computer" which
features Isaac Asimov giving a very amusing and informative
speech on the subject of privacy in a computerized
world. (Circa
1979, no
The second tape is called "Space
'79" and it features
NASA scientist Jim Louden bringing us up to date on
the Voyager mission to Jupiter. These were our first
real close-up looks at Jupiter and Mr. Louden's uncontained
exhuberance is a joy to hear.
As you might be able to tell by the red links the MP3
versions of the programs are yours for the taking and
enjoying. So take. Enjoy.
PS, by some random bit of synchronicity today was the
anniversary of President Lincoln's Morrill
Land-Grant Act, which gave us what came to be our state colleges.
In 1800 a second Morrill Act was signed that expanded
the state college system into the former Confederate
states, mandating that race not be an admissions criteria.
Oh, that Mitt.
a campaign stop in Virginia last Wednesday Mitt
Romney made the following statement about education:
"I want to make sure that we keep America a place of opportunity
where everyone has a fair shot, they get as much education
as they can afford and with their time they're able to get
and if they have a willingness to work hard and the right
values they ought to be able to provide for their family
and have a shot at realizing their dreams."
To sum up: If you can afford it, if you have the time for
it, if you have the right values, then you have a shot
at realizing your education dreams.
But if all you can find are minimum wage jobs, well, tough cookies. Better luck
next life, amigo.
Mitt Romney. Man of the people.
now our Chart of the Day:
The Difference Between A Portion and a Serving.

version of chart to be found here.
Republican Job Creation Update
7-2-2012: On
Friday, the 29th, the House grudgingly passed the
Transportation Bill, which has never been a problem
up until now,
and mortgaged
the future of college graduates. No jobs were
The House is now adjourned until the 9th of July.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth
please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Fox News Lies. Dump
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News is warning people about the MASSIVE
on the estimated 4 million people expected not to
buy health insurance.
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