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one of those people who believe that the collective
American childhood would have
been a lot less magical had it not been injected
with a steady diet of Tex Avery, Carl Stallings,
and Mel
am of course referring to Looney Tunes cartoons. To
me, they should be considered no less a national treasure
the Grand Canyon, George Carlin, or the Serve-Yourself
So when I heard that the Looney Tunes gang were going
to be rebooted in a new series of cartoons I was intrigued
but, having investigated the product, ultimately disappointed.
I realize we can't have Elmer Fudd endlessly chasing
Bugs around
with a
days but plunking the whole cast in a sitcom in the
of a west-coasty suburbia was, to put it mildly, unadventurous.
I mean, the Tasmanian Devil is now Bugs' dog. His DOG
for cryin' out loud!
The one really bright spot of the series is Bugs' "girlfriend"
Lola Bunny. She's a kinetic combination of insecurity
and self-delusion, and I LOVE here! She's voiced by
Live alum
did such a phenomenal job she snagged herself an Emmy
nomination for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance of
Sadly, Lola only appears infrequently in the series
but here's a wonderful date
sequence with Bugs, and here's their trip
to Paris.
But my favorite Lola appearance of them all is this
hilarious music
video, a delicious blend of music, voice, and animation.
Yes, the song is on my iPod.
a reminder...
Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? Let me ask
that again...
If not 100% certain then go here and
locate your state.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt.
you're being nice about Mitt Romney you "question
his mendacity". If you're more comfortable with colloquial English
then he's "a big, fat liar", which he is. Here
is an enlightening
list of his latest whoppers.
Romney's running mate Paul Ryan, famous for sticking
his fingers down the throats of catfish, recently
blamed president Obama for an auto
plant that closed during the Bush administration. Yes, that's a lie,
What if the reason Mr. Romney won't reveal his tax
returns is because it will reveal he made millions
in profits from abortion?
Would Mittens engage in illegal union busting? Surrrrrre
he would.
Paul Ryan opposed the Obama Stimulus package, even
though he later stumped for a big wad of the money, but
during the early days of the millennium he couldn't
say enough nice things about the benefits of a Bush
Not a liar this time, just an immense hypocrite.
As for the Obama
stimulus package, it deserves more
credit than it gets from our corporate-owned media.
I hate to do this to you, as it's
19 minutes long, but here's the ultimate Mitt Romney
Flip-Flop Collection.
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 28: Expanded
National Service
the Serve America Act in 2009, which authorized a tripling
of the size of AmeriCorps. Program grew 13 percent to
85,000 members across the country by 2012, when new House
GOP majority refused to appropriate more funds for further
For the full list of his 50 finest achievements read the Washington
Monthly story.
now our Chart of the Day:
Proportion of Easter diners reporting the
following must-have food items in their Easter

Much larger version of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
is in recess until early September. No jobs are being created, no farms
are being saved.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Fox News Lies.
Dump Fox News
Fox News is STILL dissembling the cleverly-edited distortion of
an Obama speech by the Romney
campaign. You'll no doubt hear
it again from them real soon.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.
If you enjoy Raging Pencils, might I also recommend:
Can't make sense of the news? Try our selection
of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Today's Google
Jesus: Hi Dad. It's Jesus. Uh, listen. I'm not coming home
for Easter.
God: Ohhh, I'm pretty sure you will.
Jesus: Huh? What do you mean by...? Hang on, someone's
at the door.
Guard: Hello, are you the Son of God?
Jesus:Why, yes. Yes, I am.
Guard: Pontius Pilate would like a word with you.
Jesus: You bastard.
God: See you Friday.
