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of the Tongue
I was about 17 years old I looked up from my homework at
the TV and considered, for the first time in my life,
that the newscasters spoke in a manner
was markedly different from
the way my family talked.
They sounded... intelligent.
My parents were both born of rural Texas stock so naturally
I and my siblings adopted their heavy twang. Simple
phrases like "Pearl Beer" and "pecan pie" required at
least thirteen syllables each and I myself was never
referred to by my family as Mike or Michael,
but "Mock" or "Mockul".
From that point on I've been on a long journey of broadening
my vocabulary and of strengthening my diction. I hardly
have what you might call a "classical inflection" but
I'm very proud when new clients call me and
almost inevitably
ask "Where are you really from?" even though
they know I live in Dallas.
Another revelation about proper diction occurred to
me when I watched The
Matrix movies.
of the
basically spoke
same flat, midwestern dialect, certainly
by design, and as I watched it slowly dawned on me that
I had ceased identifying
characters as black.
just... actors. If any of them had performed their role
using some form of jive-ass Hollywood ebonics (Or even
a twangy Texas Walmart-special accent) it not only would
have been intrusive but I would have immediately
pigeonholed the characters away in the
Dungeon we all employ.
Don't get me wrong. Regional accents add variety to
such theatrical productions but The Matrix needed urban
playas like
it needed another agent Smith.
Am I suggesting that race relations in this country
might improve if our lingua was more franca? Yes!
What about it?
As for foreign accents, anyone who learns a second language,
especially English, is never going to suffer any grief
from monoglot little me.
you be voting absentee this November but don't know
what to do about it?
Then check out the Long
Distance Voter. Not only can
you register to vote, and verify your registration,
you can also request an absentee ballot.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt.
will certainly come as no surprise... in a recent
WSJ/NBC poll Mitt
Romney was getting zero per cent of votes from African
Today on NPR's "All Things
Considered" I heard
Romney/Ryan being described as "the first
all-catholic ticket".
I began throwing things at my radio because
Romney is no more catholic than I am. Yeesh!
Gazillionaire William Koch, $100
million dollar backer of the Romney campaign, is
building an old
west mining town just for himself. Seriously. These people are NUTS!
Congressman Todd Akin is getting hammered in the
press for his remarks about "legitimate rape", but
keep in mind he and Paul Ryan support the same onerous
Paul Ryan opposed the Obama Stimulus package, even
though he later stumped for a big wad of the money, but
during the early days of the millennium he couldn't
say enough nice things about the benefits of a Bush
Not a liar this time, just an immense hypocrite.
As for the Obama
stimulus package, it deserves more
credit than it gets from our corporate-owned media.
Relevant to the conversation, Frank Zappa's "You
Are What You Is".
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 29: Expanded
Wilderness and Watershed Protection
Omnibus Public Lands Management Act (2009), which designated
more than 2 million acres as wilderness, created thousands
of miles of recreational and historic trails, and protected
more than 1,000 miles of rivers.
For the full list of his 50 finest achievements read the Washington
Monthly story.
now our Chart of the Day:
North American English Dialects

Immense version
of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
is in recess until early September. No jobs are being created, no farms
are being saved.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Fox News Lies.
Dump Fox News
News, as you might have guessed, instituted a
virtual blackout of the Todd
Akin "legitimate
rape" story. Fair
and balanced.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.
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Dailykos • Crooks
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Progress • Talking
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Today's Google
Causasian Human Resources director talking to notably black
"Mr. Johnson, allow me to be blunt. Sometimes we get a "certain
race" of applicants in here who have lazy speech habits
and a poor vocabulary. And do you know what we call these
people, Mr. Johnson? Rednecks."
