That Mitt.
Economist magazine asks, and not very nicely, "So
Mitt, what
do you really believe? A
quote from the article:
"Competence is worthless without direction and, frankly,
character. Would that Candidate Romney had indeed
presented himself as a solid chief executive who
got things done. Instead he has appeared as a fawning
PR man, apparently willing to do or say just about
anything to get elected."
Esquire Magazine calls Mitt Romney "The
Leader of Led Men". A quote from the article:
"He made the bobsleds run on time, we can say that
for him. But, honestly, converting a festival of
international bribery into a celebration of provincial
crony capitalism isn't exactly rolling your men up
San Juan Hill."
What did Reuters get wrong about
Romney's energy plan? Quite
a bit, it seems. A quote from the article:
"Holland's report also failed to challenge Romney's
ludicrous assertion that we can drill our way to
energy independence in eight years."
Today's video: Mitt Romney in "The
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 32: Passed Fair
Sentencing Act
2010 legislation that reduces sentencing disparity between
crack versus powder cocaine possessionfrom100 to1 to
18 to1.
For the full list of his 50 finest achievements read the Washington
Monthly story.
now our Chart of the Day:
Reasons Why This Is The Worst Congress Ever.

Republican Job Creation Update
is in recess until early September. No jobs are being created, no farms
are being saved.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Fox News Lies.
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