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Great Leap Backward
"Let me just add, my fellow Americans, that I
don't like you, or you, or you. I particularly don't
like those guys and I hate that guy leaning on the
tree. These guys I can take or leave but I wouldn't
be caught dead with that group over there. It's safe
to say that everybody dislikes those two, most people
avoid that mob, and if that little lady and I were
the only two people left on Earth I'd sooner the species
go extinct than ever consider the possibility of coitus.
Vote for me!"
are you guys so anti-dictatorship? Imagine if America
was a dicatatorship! You could let 1% of the people
have all the nation’s wealth. You could help
your rich friends get richer by cutting their taxes
and bailing them out when they gamble and lose. You
could ignore the needs of the poor for health-care
and education. Your media would appear free; but would
secretly be controlled by one person and his family.
You could wire-tape phones. You could torture foreign
prisoners. You could have rigged elections. You could
lie about why you go to war. You could fill your prisons
with one particular racial group and no one would complain.
You could use the media to scare the people into supporting
policies that are against their interests. I knew this
is hard for you Americans to imagine, but please: try!"
- Admiral General Aladeen, played by Sacha Baron Cohen
in "The Dictator".
Not bad, Mr. Cohen. Not bad.
Today's 'Toon clarification: Scientists
used to hang fruit from the ceiling in rooms strewn
with boxes and
introduce members of the lower primate groups and test
their by I.Q. by seeing how long
would take them to reach the fruit by stacking the
available material. The more intelligent apes attained
the fruit easily but the rest are on the Texas School
Board. But you already knew that.
you be voting absentee this November but don't know
what to do about it?
Then check out the Long
Distance Voter. Not only can
you register to vote, and verify your registration,
you can also request an absentee ballot.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt.
Romney visited an Ohio coal mine on August 14 and
the miners were trotted out to be used
as a living backdrop. Although not
forced to attend they were all "encouraged" to
attend. Either way, every
miner lost a day's pay.
Romney wants to make a GOP rule change that allows
the candidate to appoint the delegates. Yes, rich
guys will choose the candidates and then the candidates
will choose the delegates. What
could possibly go wrong?
"Our most effective ad is our welfare ad," a
top television advertising strategist for Romney,
Ashley O'Connor, said at a forum Tuesday hosted by
ABC News and Yahoo! News. "It's new information."
The ad is also a
big, fat lie, and they're going to run
it until the wheels fall off.
What was Massachusetts like once Mitt left office
after one term? As current Governor Patrick Deval
says "He
didn't keep his promises."
Quote For The Day
"We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers," -
pollster Neil Newhouse.
Today's video: You didn't build
that, Mitt. You destroyed it.
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 33: Trimmed
and Reoriented Missile Defense
the Reagan-era “Star Wars” missile defense
budget, saving $1.4 billion in 2010, and canceled plans
to station antiballistic missile systems in Poland and
the Czech Republic in favor of sea-based defense plan
focused on Iran and North Korea.
For the full list of his 50 finest achievements read the Washington
Monthly story.
now our Chart of the Day:
support For Abortion Exemptions

Larger version of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
is in recess until early September. No jobs are being created, no farms
are being saved.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit
Fox News Lies.
Dump Fox News
News is only too happy to promulgate the "We
built it" lie. After all, they
were in on it.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.
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Today's Google
GOP elephant failing an IQ test.