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genesis for this cartoon was the notion of what a Neocon
Hell might look like. Specifically, what special torment
could Satan inflict upon them that their own warped
little minds and gelid little hearts hadn't
already inflicted on others. After all, the typical
Conservative response to seeing millions of poor wretched
wallowing in their own filth would be
"Seen it. Got the t-shirt. And the tax deduction."
I suppose a real Neocon Hell would be one without wars,
with free health care and education for everyone, funded
by an equitable tax system. It would rely on renewable
and the
water would be clean, the food would be safe to eat,
and the air would be free from pollutants.
Ooh, scary.
(P.S. I can't believe I found a good use for a Satan
Obama picture.)
you be voting absentee this November but don't know
what to do about it?
Then check out the Long
Distance Voter. Not only can
you register to vote, and verify your registration,
you can also request an absentee ballot.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt.
those not following the Libyan Consulate story, here's
how it went down:
(1) Coalition of nutbag Egyptian
Copts and fundamentalist Christians fund and produce
anti-Islamic slander-cinema.
(2) Libyan Consulate realizes that local Muslim community
is really pissed about the film. Releases unofficial
statement that religious
tolerance is important.
(3) Muslims storm Consulate anyway.
(4) Romney
pounces on unofficial Consulate statement, claims
it came from the president. Calls Obama a pussy.
Romney smirks about what a clever dick he is.
Four people die at the Consulate, including an ambassador.
Romney could not care less, throws Americans under
the bus,
feels it's more important that voters accept his
(6) President sets the record straight. Romney doubles
down on his lies, wins First Place "Most Arrogant
Twat" Award.
(7) Addendum: In attempt
to save his political ass Romney claims he and
Mr. Obama said
the same thing about the attack. Heads explode
If you're interested here's a more
assessment of the story.
Oh, and here's the view of Mitt from
inside the State Department. This is a must-read.
Sheldon Adelson, Romney's Las Vegas
sugar-daddy, stands to reap $2.3
billion in tax savings under a
President Romney. Gosh, who'd a-thunk?
Are Mitt romney's tax returns hiding
voter fraud.
They are unless you REALLY believe Mitt lived in
his son's basement for a year.
Speaking of tax returns, Mittens required ten
years of returns from his prospective veeps. Just do as
he say, not as he do.
Quote For The Day
"If our embassy is attacked and your first instinct is to go after our government,
you should keep that to yourself. " - a tweet borrowed from
Today's video: Ex-CIA agent explains
that there really is no al-Qaeda, and what our wars
in the Mid-East are really all about.
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 42: Created
site run by independent board of inspectors general looking
for fraud and abuse in stimulus spending, provides public
with detailed information on every contract funded by
$787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Thanks partly to this transparency, board has uncovered
very little fraud, and Web site has become national model: “The
stimulus has done more to promote transparency at almost
all levels of government than any piece of legislation
in recent memory,” reports Governing magazine.
-------------------- And
now our Chart of the Day:
The Neocons: An Illustrated Progression

considerably more legible, version of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
House passed bills to: extend the FISA Act, promote competitiveness
in American manufacturing (don't
get excited), and a land swap in Minnesota.
No jobs were created.
9-13-12: The House passed nothing today, and for the
first time in modern history, in the midst of a terrible drought, the
House will not pass
a Farm Bill. Not only have no jobs been created but our nation's farmers
are going bankrupt.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Fox News Lies.
Dump Fox News
Business's Liz MacDonald made the laughable claim
that "the government's
spending is now more
than the size of the U.S. economy." But,
you know, it's Fox. What do we expect?
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.
If you enjoy Raging Pencils, might I also recommend:
Can't make sense of the news? Try our selection
of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Today's Google
Demon: Sire, it's election time again and we're getting
a lot of advance sales for Romney. But the greed, intolerance,
and ignorance rooms are near 98% capacity.
Satan: Just put them in the Neocon room. It's empty.
Demon: You're joking. Then where are all the Neocon
Satan: Propping up the leg of my desk.
Republican Hell.
