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A recent
quote I found went something like this: "If this really was a right-wing country
would make it easy to vote in Wal-Mart check-out lines."
Instead, as of early 2011, the legislatures in every
Republican-led swing state except Iowa (Kudos to you,
dear Iowa!)
have been busy making it harder, if not impossible,
the poor,
the elderly,
any indigenous minorities to vote.
Crow is back but his name has been changed to "Señor Voter
The story the GOP has been telling is that the
American voting system is rife with untold numbers
of ballots signed "Mickey Mouse", and that
bus-loads of undocumented, sweaty field-hands
have been carted
in from Guadalajara
just to swell the number of Democratic legislators.
In truth, there's almost no
documented vote fraud.
You are more likely to have the Space
Shuttle land in your bathtub than find a voting
error that's anything more than an honest mistake,
excluding Mitt Romney who very probably committed
voter fraud in 2010.
Another aspect of the voting process that I'd like
to touch on
is why we deny felons the right to vote. Is this in
some absurd way supposed to prevent vast populations
of arsonists, for example, from voting for pro-arson
candidates? I
always thought incarceration, years taken from a man's
life, was penalty enough for the crime. Is there any
reason other
spitefulness to deny a man who's paid his debt to
society the right to remove
from office
oh, I dunno
the sort of economic collapse that drove him to perform
desperate act in the first place?
More sinisterly, it appears that one of the results the
War On Drugs has been to also disenfranchise large
segments of the black population. As many as 8
percent of voting
age blacks cannot now vote, as compared to 2 per cent
of the general population.
As if that wasn't bad enough, consider this... downloading
copyrighted materials, like music or video, can be
a felony. If
some party
had the political will to track down every single media
pirate the national vote for president could be something
like 372-267.
We all deserve a chance to make a better life for ourselves
regardless of the mistakes we make and we
certainly all deserve a chance to vote.
you be voting absentee this November but don't know
what to do about it?
Then check out the Long
Distance Voter. Not only can
you register to vote, and verify your registration,
you can also request an absentee ballot.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt.
me if you've heard this one.
On Friday Mitt Romney says that he's worried about
the presidential debates because that mean old Barack
Obama is going to lie in order to win.
Considering that a "lie" to Mitt Romney is the
same thing as the truth then maybe, yes, he should
worry about Mr. Obama's "lies".
The Associate Press fact-checks Romney's Libya statement
and finds that Mitt is so
full of poop that he must be employing some vast quantum worm-hole to
stash it all.
Though only tangentially Romney-related, the New
York Times shared an opinion piece that reminds everyone
that the Obama
stimulus package not only worked,
it worked well.
Quote For The Day
"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side… our
colleges and universities, they won’t be on our side." - Rick Santorum
Today's video: Roy Zimmerman's VERY
amusing "Vote Republican". The Democrats should just
run this instead
of their ads. Seriously.
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 44: Pushed Broadband
and obtained in 2011 Federal Communications Commission
approval for a shift of $8 billion in subsidies away
from land lines and toward broadband Internet for lower-income
rural families.
-------------------- And
now our Chart of the Day:
Voter Suppression Legislation State by State.

considerably more legible, version of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
House reauthorized the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
Act, then limited taxpayer exposure to a 2005 Energy Policy Act. No jobs
were created.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Fox News Lies.
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about economic
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Fox from your cable system.
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Today's Google
What do these six sorry sinners share similarly?
Convicted arsonist.
Convicted murderer.
Convicted rapist.
Convicted drug dealer.
Convicted kidnapper.
Minority in a Republican-run state.
Answer: their right to vote?
They does not has it.
