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of Xmas Presents
got an early Saturnalia present from Beloved
Girlfriend just in time for the annual Stanfill
Xmas/Solstice Family Reunion Hoedown Hullabaloo.
It was a sweatshrt not too unlike the picture
the left.
Yes, those naughty little reindeer are vigorously
"doing it", and by "it" I
mean the Heimlich maneuver.
At least, that's what I told all the beady-eyes
little rug-rats I caught staring at it too
It's a great sweatshirt, one that received
it's share of double and occasional triple
takes but
a damn shame that I can only wear it once.
If I wear it again next year it would be like "Oh,
yeah. That thing again. Pass the egg-nog."
Still, great shirt. Better girlfriend. I can
hardly wait to see what's under the tree.
In case
you're interested, here's my favorite Xmas song
of them all. |
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
The postman handed me a package this morning. He said it was a special
delivery from the North Pole, a gift from Santa that had somehow gotten
lost along the way. Inside was a toy I'd asked Santa for back when
I was a little kid. It was probably the second best Xmas gift I ever
got in my life. Second only to a girlfriend with a wicked sense of
humor who really knows how to use eBay.
