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This is the Big Kahuna. Mary? Yeah, sure, I
remember her. Cute little brunette I met at
a shindig
Bethlehem summer before last. Did I schtup
her? Well, yeah,
After all, she was a virgin. She what? When?
No way! What the Hell kind
is Jesus?
So what's she saying about me? Shit.
Well, I guess
I need to put a positive spin on this before
the press gets ahold of it. How about we
tell everybody that I sent the kid down
to, uh, to give everyone eternal life. Yeah!
That oughta work. No, I can't flood the world
You shoulda seen my water bill that month.
Thanks for calling, Satan. Love
to the missus."
Season's Greeting, Happy Holidays, Joyous Saturnalia,
and a Rousing Lupercalia! See you Friday!
And, because
I love you all, The Twelve Days of Elves. |
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Long ago, on December 25th, under the light of a star, a saviour was
born unto man.
He forevermore changed inquiry into the physical universe from murky
speculation into mathematical precision
Happy Birthday, Isaac Newton.
