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all police officers can be reliably
protected by a prosecutor who won't indict
for misconduct, regardless
of any damning
evidence, then we're standing on the edge
of a brand new jurisprudence frontier in
which we no longer need a judicial branch. We
now have a police force with the ability
to gauge guilt or innocence and the firepower
to carry out the sentence. All we need
is someone to sweep up the bodies and wash
away the blood.
Suspect ID on voting
day? Kerboom! Run a red light? Bang! Library
book a day late? Boom! Watering the
lawn after 10AM? Boink!
Think of all the money we'll save on black
robes and fake wood paneling. No more greedy
jurors demanding their usurious $6 a day
stipend. Best of all, no more jury duty,
the most
frightening pair of words to come out of
a mail box since "draft board".
Yes, Ferganistan, Missouri is showing the
way towards a new, streamlined justice
But don't feel left out. You can join in the fun now by becoming a member
of the Stand Your Ground Auxiliaries. So
grab your hood and your AR-15 and hit the
streets. A new, safer America is just a
racial-cleansing away.
Note: Extra-Special-Bonus-Super-Cool-Neato
Thanksgiving Cartoon can be found by clicking
on the cartoon above. Return to original
cartoon by double-clicking.

(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Courtroom. Prosecuting attorney has just
shot a black witness.
Judge: That's certainly an unorthodox line of
cross-examination but, as this is Missouri, I'll
allow it..