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I Learned This Thanksgiving
I've been driving to my sister's house
the wrong way for fifteen years. I shan't
(2) The cherished carved-wood chess set
I received as a gift when I was 14
came from
a Monterrey, Mexico bazaar and cost twenty-five
(3) My brother did not once die on the
operating table, as rumored. He was just
The Philadelphia defense is pretty damn good.
(5) When my step-brother says "take all the
leftovers you want" he really doesn't mean it.
(6) Bacon added to green beans makes them taste 100%
better than the non-bacon type. Dammit.
(7) It's a good idea to make sure that the refrigerator
door is completely closed before leaving the house
for twelve hours.
Note: Today's cartoon
is very late, owing to Thanksgiving madness,
but I managed to add an extra comic, which
further elaborates on the main comic,
accessible simply by clicking on the cartoon
the original
cartoon by double-clicking.

(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Boardroom scene. Boss to underlings: Gentlemen,
profits are down. We need to develop a
product that's sexy, expensive, and can
easily be destroyed by a cat.
Caption: And that's why we have flat-screen
