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Little Corner Megastore
I ran a business it would be a pretty
sweet dang old deal if I could pay my employees
so little that they'd have to resort to
public assistance in order to get by, especially
if I was raking in a fat fortune for myself
in the meantime. But that's precisely the
business plan that dear old Walmart has
carved out for itself as its employees
require $6.2
billion dollars in tax-payer assistance each
Walmart is a huge company that makes huge
profits so there's absolutely
no reason that its employees should have
to beg for public alms except for one thing:
unadulterared greed on the part of its
Is that everything? Yeah, I think so.
Note: Sorry. As much as
I love ya'll there's no extra cartoon today.

(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
GOP elephant: You want food stamps? Medicaid?
Subsidized housing? What makes you think
you deserve
it? Why don't you go get a job, you lazy,
Man: But I have a job. I work at Walmart.
Oh, why didn't you say so? Here!
Buckets of cash, money, moolah.
And there's billions more where that comes
Nothing's too good for our menial-job creator
