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A Vet!
sincere condolences go out to all the families
of servicemen who were killed or wounded in this
country's many wars, but I dearly wish that the
petroleum, steel, and munitions companies who profited
from the blood of our soldiers all fall into open
sewers and
Happy Memorial Day, everyone.
Fifty years
ago Phil
Ochs asked us "What Are You Fighting For?".
The question still hasn't been answered. |
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)
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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
GOP baby elephant crying, with a "My
L'il Impeacher" hammer in his hand.
Square pegs are labeled Sebelius, fast and
furious. Obamacare, Obama, I.R.S., Solyndra,
Benghazi, Pigford, Associated Press. The
comic about the GOP's priaprism for scandal
and impeachment.
