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the GOP won't do anything to protect our children
from being murdered in cold blood by just plain
old folks testing their Second Amendment rights
here are some suggestions on how to effectively
protect your kids:
(1) Encase them in full-body titanium armor whenver
they leave their bedroom.
(2) Lock them inside fortified houses with bullet-proof
windows. 24/7.
(3) Tunnel deep underground and live with the mole
(4) Hire Neo as a personal guard.
(5) Move to any industrialized country besides
the United States.
I'm proud to say that if you go
to Google and type in "how to steal guns" one
of my cartoons is the first result, the same
'toon seen in today's Classic Crappola.
Today was primary day in Texas
and turnout was, shall we say.... slight? I voted
in the middle of the afternoon and I was only #37.
We obviously need to do something to entice people
to do their civic duty and I think I have a few
Each state gets one new car for each congressional
district. It's raffled off to a random voter in each
district in every national election. In presidential
elections someone
will win a million dollars.
(2) Each time you vote in a national election you
get 1.5% off your taxes.
Play your cards right and by the time you're 60
your taxes could be 30% lower.
(3) If you're a federal employee you're required
to vote. I think a reasonable penalty would be a
loss of vacation pay. How about that?
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)
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Dailykos • Crooks
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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
A Guide to Proper Infanticide
A primer for modern American Parents
You can feed kids poison birthday cakes,
Or line their cribs with coral snakes.
Send them off on shoddy carnival rides,
Or feed 'em to sharks at lowest tide.
Maybe trade them in a Faustian pact,
Or tie them to a streetcar track.
You can trade their toys for oven cleaner,
Or grind them into ballpark wieners.
Perhaps blend them into vichyssoise, (blender)
Or choose those who won't pass gun control
laws. (GOP elephant)
