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much time to talk tonight so I
thought I'd leave you with an eye-opening
Frankenchart I recently created
which has absolutely nothing to
do with
above cartoon.
I first went and found a chart
showing the number
of U.S. servicemen employed in
previous years, in this case since
1960. I
then overlaid
with a chart showing how much we
have spent
on the
(the red vertical bars). The data
I had began in 1972, so there's
an initial gap. (Click the image
for a slightly larger version.)
As you can see there's a well defined correlation
between size of the U.S. military and its operating
budget right up until 2000 when it literally starts
going off
the chart. This massive increase in the military
budget is not about how much we now spend on men
and materiel, it's a clear indication of the vast
amount of
tax dollars being shoveled into the pockets of cronies
and insiders.

General Smedley Butler said it best, way back in
1935, that "War
is a racket."
And he was right.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Young man and woman running through a vast
field of wheat.
Man: You run like a girl.
Woman: Thanks. You run like a man.
Man: Thanks.
