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Big C.
did a really strange thing today...
I needed something to perk me up
(I don't drink soda) so I had a
cup of coffee. This is only
cup in 17 years.
I know
because Beloved Girlfriend has
apparently been keeping close track
of my java intake. (Such scrutiny
would ordinarily be cause for
alarm but, frankly,
I'd rather have an obsessive girlfriend
one who dallies with the
pool boy while I'm out abusing
myself in the holy water at the
local tabernacles.)
BTW, when I say "coffee" I mean
a little instant dark roast with
just enough hot water to dilute
it, just enough cold water to civilize
it, and
just enough sugar to make it palatable.
For me, this is not a ritual celebrating
the miracle of St. Juan Valdez,
this is medicine.
Ya see, normally I'm one of those
infuriating types who don't rise
from a fitful
night of anxiety dreams involving
rabid Czechoslovakian vacuum cleaners
and immediately lurch
towards the coffee-maker,
unable to manifest a detectable
heartbeat until a full, steaming
cup of joe
has been quaffed and most of the
clever motto on the outside cup
has been licked off. (This, incidentally,
describes every woman I've ever
loved. Both
of them. The other 73 were "just
friends". That's my story
and I'm sticking to it.)
To be honest, the last thing I've needed
in my life is caffeine as I'm normally pretty perky.
In the mid-80s I drank no more caffeinated drinks
than your average podiatrist, a mere six-pack
my Hungry Man chicken-and-ocelot TV dinner,
but the subsequent inability to
sleep eventually put me in the
attacks. Lesson learned.
Don't get me wrong. I like coffee, particularly
the aroma, but I don't NEED it. So why now? And
why am I going on about it?
It's because I think I'm getting old and feeble-minded,
and that bugs me, and I'm just hypochondriacal
enough to need an audience when I'm feeling whiny.
Maybe I've had too many late nights feeding my
late cat,
a kitten. Or maybe I've spent too time
on the /r/ArmadillosGoneWild subReddit, jacking
it to lurid, placental GIFs.
All's I know is I think a little chemical dependence
would be good for me right now, although if a recreational
vehicle packed with expresso machines "mysteriously"
shows up in my driveway please alert Caffeine-Anon.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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