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kid. Big heart.
China an 11-year-old boy, Liang Yaoyi,
was diagnosed with a brain tumor. When
it became clear that he would not survive
the condition he asked that his organs
be donated
so that he could help others.
"There are many people doing great things
in the world," he said according to
China Daily. "They are great, and
I want to be a great kid too." He
said that it was a chance for him to be "alive
in another way."
The touching picture you see above are
the attending surgeons honoring him shortly
after his
death. (Click it for a larger version.)
How about you? Are you part of the organ
donation program? Do you give blood? Are
you in
the bone
marrow registry? Do you want to help others?
It seems a shame to commit perfectly good
so many people would benefit from our final
act of generosity.
I realize that there are a great many concerns
about organ donation so I encourage you
to read
Clinic's list of myths for yourself.
The Great
Patreon Gran Prix is
now in the pits and, as I'd hoped, everyone
was a winner!
To be honest,
readers of Ragin Pencils didn't
exactly trample one another
in a virtual stampede for the Pledge button
but I yet received
a hefty double handful of continuing support,
and to those kind folks I offer
the most grateful of thanks.
I shan't actively harangue readers for
alms any longer but I'll continue
host a not-to-horribly-obnoxious Patreon button
on the site for those who just take a little
to be convinced.

(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Dailykos • Crooks
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
This is little Billy. Tonight he'll go hungry
because someone donated their organs for
transplantation. So, please, before you sign
that donor card, think of the little worms...
like Billy. This message brought to you by
Save the Annelids.
