progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!
Looking for a specific Raging comic and/or
Rant and can't find it?

those who read this far down...
In the past couple of weeks
I've started adding
extra, hidden comics under the original
Just because I <3 you, okay?
They are not always fully-realized cartoons,
just a little something to cleanse the
palate before you jet off to other URL's
unknown. My honest intention was to see
how much of a point/counterpoint I can
create in ten minutes or less. The results
for themselves. <Cough>
To display the extra 'toons
I used to employ a simple mouseover image
swap (I.E.,
the original comic
= extra comic. Mouse away from the extra
comic = original
comic.) but I discovered, to my dismay,
that it didn't work so well with iPads and iPhones
it'd get stuck on the extra comic. Refreshing
the page fixed the problem but that was
a clunky solution.
So now, if there's a new comic, you'll
see a little hand when you mouseover the
main comic.
To view the extra comic just click or
tap once. To
go back to the original comic just double-click
or 2-tap the extra 'toon.
Let's just keep this between the two of
us, okay?

(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Party with elephants around upright piano.
Reggie went numb with horror, transfixed
by the vision of a keyboard fashioned from
88 human thumbs. The herd watched with muted
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