Over Form
there was a real Jesus (though not the
kind that healed lepers, bullied fig trees,
performed magical brunches, etc.) forensic
have determined
that he would have more closely resembled
the swarthy scamp on the left rather than
the Church prefers
promote. The reason for that is simple:
The first people to illustrate Jesus were
Europeans and they painted what they saw.
So long noses, blue eyes, straw-colored
hair, assault rifles, etc.
Needless to say, the reasoned sculpting
of a Middle Eastern savior by men of science
hasn't convinced Christians to stampede
their local houses of worship and commence
with iconic urban renewal. Nooo, they're
just fine with their Aryan superstar, thank
you very much. Also, please send money
or burn in Hell.
How does the Bible describe Jesus? It doesn't,
except in Revelation where he's described
as having hair like snow-white wool, eyes
of flame, feet of polished bronze, and
a roaring voice. Furthermore, his face
is as bright as the sun and he's carrying
in his right hand. And, just to top off
the image of a deity come to save
us all, sticking out of his mouth is a
two-edged sword.
Yeah, I know. That's kinda hot.
Let's see more of THAT Jesus.
And, yes, there's a secret comic today. Go find it.
You know where it is.
Speaking of obvious religious racism, there's
a new theatrical version of Exodus out today,
directed by Ridley Scott. In it, since this is a
Hollywood production, all the good guys are played
by white guys even though the original good guys
of the Bible were mostly black. Meanwhile, all the
bad guys are played by SURPRISE! black guys. This
is because Americans, even in this supposedly enlightened
age, wouldn't
support a Biblical
epic that accurately portrayed the races. Otherwise
blacks would get all uppity or something. Maybe
even run for president. Horrors!
If you're curious about the details please read David
Dennis, Jr.'s dandy little review.
One more thing: Google is actively
around in email looking for child porn. While
that's certainly a
endeavor it raises a LOT of privacy concerns. In
essence, where do they draw the line at slippery
slopes? Maybe I don't WANT them to know my secret
for winning McDonald's Monopoly game year-in and
year-out. Therefore, I'm emailing the following image
to everyone I know
a gmail
account. Enjoy!

