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In Da Pipes
This past August motherjones.com
printed an article about what's
in your hamburger. Predictably enough,
a lot of fecal matter,
not to mention e. coli and lots of good
old bacteria. But that'll happen when you
process beef, in this example, using contemporary
methods almost designed to make beef unhealthy,
even dangerous, to eat. Follow the link
to read more details, if you have the
stomach for it, but here's a tasty chart
from the story illustrating some of their
findings to whet your appetite.


Raging Pencils and I'll eat a bug.
(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Drive-up fast-food clown: Eighteen
billion yearly in corn subsidies, phosphate
of lakes
and rivers,
vast Gulf dead zones, tropical deforestation,
increased greenhouse gasses, desertification,
climate change, higher cancer rates,
obesity, antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
fecal contamination, increased usage
of high-fructose corn syrup, and cognitive
Man in little red car car: Dude! I
only asked what a cheeseburger costs!
Clown: And I just told you.
