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amazing wad of curls exhibited in this
image is firmly affixed to the noggin
of Patsy Ruth
known as Mother, though
I preferred
her Mumsy. She died in her sleep Wednesday
morning at the age of 86. Though born
in the teeth of the Depression she somehow
prospered well enough to unleash eight
strapping young 'uns on the world, and
for that we are all certainly grateful.
It was nice knowing her.
The preceding information is not meant
to elicit
consolation or pity, it is merely intended
to note a significant event in my life
and I thank you for reading.)

Raging Pencils and I'll eat a bug.
(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Computer geek talking to God
Sorry, Lord. Looks like your whole
dinosaur system is wiped. You really
should have invested in some anti-meteor
protection. How do you feel about upgrading
to Mammal OSX?
Yes, this is EXACTLY what the non-copyright
protected Yahweh looks like. I know
this because I drew him this way.
