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Lately, every time I think
about Donald Trump, I hear the words "political
bukkake" in
my head. Thus the comic. It took me a while
to wrangle the words into proper order.
Tough assignment.
I hear that American fear of imminent terrorist
atack is as high as after the attack of
You're more likely to be trampled by ferrets
than killed by an Islamic terrorist. (Christian
terrorists are another story. Watch your
You're being played as fools by the media
who LOVE this kind of stuff as it sells
You're being played as
fools by the war-mongers who get rich off
foreign exploits.
You're gettting played
as fools by people like Trump because he
KNOWS you'll fall for this garbage.
If you really want to feel more secure
in your homes then stump for harsh revision
of the Second Amendment. You might find
it interesting to know that since Australia
enacted strict gun control in
1996 they've
suffered only one mass shooting, and it
was a man who killed his wife and children
and then himself.
A safe America is not two assault rifles
in every bunker. It's no guns at all.
And If you really want to be safe from
Islamic terrorists then understand the
difference between fighting for freedom
and shedding the blood of innocents for
the benefit of the petrochemical companies.

Raging Pencils and I'll eat a bug.
(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
No matter which way you turn You're
trapped, surrounded by outlets hosing
you down with the same repulsive torrent
of spew.
And just when you think its over, here
it comes again, and this time it’s
even more disgusting.
What are you guys talking about?
Trump coverage.
