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Have the Right To Remain Dead
This past Thanksgiving
officer Patrick Feaster of the Paradise,
California police department was involved
in a very brief chase of a speeding car.
was brief
the car quickly hit a median and overturned,
coming to rest on it's driver's side. As
officer reached
the scene a man struggled to escape the
car through the passenger window.
Feaster rushes towards the man, who happens
to be white, and shoots him in the neck,
then casually reports
to headquarters that
the man, whom he just shot, won't come
out of his car.
A judge just declared this shooting
accidental so no
be filed.
Watch the video below to see just how "accidental"
this shooting was.
I don't usually share these types of stories but
this one is shockingly egregious. It vividly
how since
all now presumed
be armed the police have carte
blanche to shoot whoever
Fuck everything about this.
In the interest of SCIENCE!
I should add that a recent
study published in the National
Academy of Sciences paints a dismal picture
as it has determined that even restricting
families to a Chinese-style
'one-child' approach would have minimal
effect on short-term world population growth.
This isn't to say we shouldn't TRY to reduce
the population as we certainly intend to
live on this planet at least a little while

(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
What can I do to save our planet?
I'm glad you asked.
eat much less meat, drive an electric
car, walk or bike or carpool to work,
have fewer children, recycle vigorously,
plant a tree,
buy locally-grown food, learn to compost,
reduce water usage, dress warmly instead
of turning up the thermostat, quit
using plastic bags,
No, I mean realistically.
Can't someone ELSE save us? I mean,
football is on.
