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Incredible Egg
was going to include eggs on the list
in today's 'toon but it was too dang complicated. Here's
the deal:
Freshly-laid eggs can
be safely left unrefrigerated for about
This is because they have a natural barrier
against bacteria. Most countries in the
world consume eggs in this fashion. (It's
said these eggs are better to cook with,
However, America,
along with Japan and Australia, washes
its eggs until they're all nice and squeaky
clean, sometimes giving them a squirt of
oil to
give them a consumer-friendly sheen. Unfortunately,
this cleansing process strips the bacterial
shield from
the eggs and so they must thereafter be
kept refrigerated. An egg of this sort
on the kitchen
counter for as short a time as two hours
can begin to deteriorate.
So I could have said "eggs" versus "refrigerated
eggs" but that would have sounded,
you know, unnatural.

Almost as effective as begging on a streetcorner.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
I'm going to the natural food store. Need anything?
Yes. Tea, bread, butter, cheese, tomatoes, oats, chicken...
I'm going to the unnatural food store. Need anything?
Yes. Cola, white bread, margarine, American cheese, canned tomatoes,
Cheerios, poultry-based salmonella delivery system...