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much as the more intelligent wing of the
GOP (if there even IS such a thing) would
like to make Hillary's relatively advanced
a campaign liability, it's just not going
to happen. Any sort of attack ad making
sport of her seeming decrepitude would
backfire harder on the GOP than Goku
versus Superman, especially among women
voters of all political
You can assert the President is a foreigner,
a socialist, a marxist, or even a neee-gro but
Heaven help you should you denigrate
a woman just because of her birth date.

Almost as effective as begging on a streetcorner.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
GOP ellyphant: Hillary's too old to run for president.
Lefty: What? She'll be 68. Reagan was 69 in 1980.
Ellyphant: Yeah, but Hilary's a...well, she's a....
Ellyphant Butt: She's a 68-year-old woman!
Lefty: I smell trouble.
GOP: That was not a quote. That was a leak!
