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In the Machine
those who don't know
the Turing test is a test of a computer/machine's
ability to exhibit intelligent behavior
equivalent to, or indistinguishable from,
that of a human. My problem with a test
like this, however seemingly useful, is
that it's little more than a mirror of
the primate
at what we've done to our precious Earth,
it's clear we need something FAR
less primitive to help manage our affairs. Why
build better sneakers, after all, when
we're clearly in need of warp drives?
Still, a Turing-like test would come in
handy to help determine if someone is unsuitable
for political office. It wouldn't take
long for one of these machines to determine
that any one of several prominent Republican
senators (Ted Cruz) should be working the
line at Denny's rather than deciding our
future in

Almost as effective as begging on a streetcorner.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Robot: Sir, I have a question.
Inventor: Yes, robot?
I've been correlating data on religion, pollution, overpopulation,
war, politics, climate change, and income inequality.
Okay. And?
If I fail the Turing test must I become a Republican?
No. That's why I gave you a heart.
