A Spade A Spade
Perhaps I'm way behind the curve on this
but it finally occurred to me why there
so many Republican candidates for president
this cycle compared to the mere handful
of Democratic hopefuls. I originally thought
it was sort of a flocking behavior, like
birds or fish, that use vast numbers to
confuse predators, like the press.
Nope. It's money.
Specifically, the torrent of filthy
corporate lucre that gushed like a tsunami
over any
and every willing participant with a pulse
and an "R"
after their name. All as a result of good
old Citizens United.
Seriously. The "Right To Rise" PAC (Now
known as "Right to Die") fronted
Jeb Bush with a $120 million bucks, and
the only way he could have used that money
to win the presidency was to purchase the
service of ninjas
to reduce the competition.
The latest numbers I can find on the subject,
from way back in October of 2015, shows
that GOP candidates have
been gifted
with over $300 million in PAC funds. Bernie
Sanders does not have a PAC but Hillary's
campaign has received about $50 million.
$300 million versus $50 million. Again,
that's five months ago. That's a lot of
betting against Hillary and very little
of it came
the piggy banks or sock drawers of the
As an example of just how bad this situation
is in New Hampshire, in 2012, only $2
been spent cumulatively among every campaign.
In 2016 that number increased to $100 million.
Billions will be spent in the next year.
Is there a better way? Hell, yeah! Both
France and Great Britain limit campaigning
only a few weeks before elections, and
they have their equivalent of the First
Amendment, too.
We've become a country
that is now embroiled in two kinds of endless
wars: one against 'terrorism' and one for
the reins of leadership. And the
monied few who back the candidates are
the very same who benefit most from
war. That is not a coincidence.
Go Bernie.
BTW, in case you hadn't
heard them multi-zillionaire Koch boys
are dumping almost a billion dollars
into the presidential campaign... and none
of it is aimed at blue coffers. For a list
of where the money is to spent check
this out.
Just a coincidence, right?

Mea Culpa: I altered one
of the lines in this cartoon some time
after it was posted.
The little elephant used to say "He's a
goldang nigger". From an emotional standpoint that's
what I feel the GOP says to itself when
referring to Mr. Obama but I decided to
alter the line to make it more
relevant and absurd more than just purely