Overpriced In Pink
Today's cartoon stems
from a 2015 study by the New
York City Department of Consumer Affairs which
indicated that goods marketed to women
cost, on average,
7% more than their similar, male-intended
counterparts. And for items like,
say, deodorant the difference can be as
high as 13%.
• 7 percent more for toys and accessories
• 4 percent more for children’s clothing
• 8 percent more for adult clothing
• 13 percent more for personal care products
• 8 percent more for senior/home health care products
a pretty hefty stipend for a modestly revised label
and some lavender paint.
My favorite image from the study was this one, taken
from a recent Target catalog. Click the image for
a bigger version.

This, of course, comes as no
surprise to most
women but the practice must still work
as the supermarket shelves are crammed with adorable
pink and
blue packaging reeking of flowers, incense, and Darwin-knows-what-else.
Me? If the women's deodorant is on sale and a
bargain to boot I don't sweat the packaging. Besides,
it's fun watching
as she tries to identify whose perfume has rubbed
off on me. Heh.