You Think I'm Kidding?
Yes, I really DID make a "Hanging Treasonous Weasel" ornament.
In fact, I liked them so much I made extras, with my
own dainty little hands. See?

In anticipation that you fellow progressives out there
might enjoy one of these, too, I have cranked out a
modest inventory of a dozen or so, all ready to go.
My price?
$25, each. With free shipping in the U.S.
Yeah, I know. That sounds somewhat usurious for a
little chunk of Sculpey but this is ART, dammit! And
because they're hand-made by me
some unfortunate urchin in a Malaysian sweatshop) each
one comes with a smidgen of my DNA. (Don't tell me
THAT doesn't
you nightmares.) There's also material costs, shipping,
insurance, yadda-yadda-yadda, so $25 is dirt cheap
unless you're a struggling cartoonist.
You could also make one yourself. It's not hard. Even
sell them on Etsy and make a few..... Oh. Crap.
Anyway, as an added ploy to garner your hard-earned
simoleons each figure will come vaguely signed by "Lefty"and
will be accompanied by a signed "Certificate
of Dubious Authenticity". For those with faulty
depth perception the figures themselves are about
2-1/2" tall. With hook included they're about 5" in
If purchased today, December 17th, I can pretty
much guarantee delivery before Xmas, though no promises.
But keep in mind that this is not just an Xmas bauble
as it can be hung and enjoyed all the year 'round.
So if I run out of the first batch of twelve I'll
the following purchases just as fast as I can.
If you're still here and can't wait to get your greasy
mitts on one of these things just press the happy
Paypal button below and whip out your credit card.