progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Gang's All Here... Eventually.
I got impeached there'd never
be another episode of Game
of Thrones. Or puppies. Or
the color green. I'm serious.
Fear me." - Unindicted
Chief Financial Officer for
the Trump Organization has
been granted immunity. Immunity
means a person has to divulge
everything pertinent to a
And a very good morning to
you, Mr. Unindicted Co-conspirator-in-Chief.
heard the U.S. is abandoning
nuclear talks with North
Korea. I guess that means
we'll never have trouble
with them again. Might as
well just give t-Rump his
Nobel Peace Prize right now.
I'm sorry. I was fantasizing
we had a real president.
I think I better go lie down.
Now would be an excellent
time to get Mike Pence's
opinion of his boss's legal
BTW, in case anyone doesn't
know, Paul Manafort chose
Mike Pence as t-Rump's veep.
Yeah, THAT Paul Manafort.
Here's a cheery thought:
If t-Rump doesn't resign
Mueller will go after his
children. If t-Rump DOES
resign he'll be immediately
indicted for all manner of
Sounds like win-win to me.
If you're sick and tired
of all the "drip-drip-drip" criminality
coming from the White House
keep in mind that the Republican-led
Congress could have stopped
this a year ago. They didn't
because they're as dirty
as t-Rump, too, and the billionaire
class NEEDED that trillion
dollar tax cut.
I am the Red Hen. I am Maxine Waters.
I am Patricia Okoumou. I am Kristin
Mink. I am Robert De Niro. I am David
Hogg. I am Emma Gonzelez. I am Mike
Avenetti. I am Stormy Daniels. I
am Rachel Maddow. I am Pickaxe Guy.
I am LeBron James. I am Robert Mueller.
I am Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I
am Peter Strzok. I am Elizabeth Warren. I
am Heather Heyer.
Fuck Trump.

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