progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Well-Read Prosecutor
to come, but until then let
me just say...
Chris Collins.
There are times when I begin
to suspect that my view of
humor is not in perfect alignment
with the general public's.
Take today's cartoon, for
To me, the idea of Robert
Mueller getting caught in
the possession of a tawdry
magazine featuring lurid
images of
scumbags being
tortured by their victims
is not only just short of
pure genius, it makes perfect
comedic sense. I would
think that any normal person
could simply not spend
the greater part of their
adult life investigating
America's darkest
sons of
crony capitalism
without gleefully imagining
them suffering severe and
possibly fetishistic punishment
for fouling this
yet, I've never had a
quite the level
of scorn and derision this
one achieved when I posted
it to Reddit today. It was
that the interpretation of
image by the average redditor
ran totally counter to anything
I intended.
it the punch line?
Have people really forgotten
the infamous dodge about
reading Playboy "only for
the articles"? Was it
that long ago? Hell,
I made reference to a 70-year-old
song in one of last week's
'toons and people ate that
shit up.
Was it the idea that Mueller
reading a magazine entitled
"Treason" meant it was one
of his secret hobbies?
This cartoon-writing is a
tricky business. Maybe someday
I'll get it right.
I am the Red Hen. I am Maxine Waters.
I am Patricia Okoumou. I am Kristin
Mink. I am Robert De Niro. I am David
Hogg. I am Emma Gonzelez. I am Mike
Avenetti. I am Stormy Daniels. I
am Rachel Maddow. I am Pickaxe Guy.
I am LeBron James. I am Robert Mueller.
Fuck Trump.

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Lefty: Ooh, What's this? A nude centerfold of Trump
being weaterboarded by Rosie O'Donnell?
Mueller: I, uhh, only read that for the articles
of impeachment.
The progressive web comic about Robert Mueller
blowing off steam.