progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Manchurian Candidate's candidate.
all kinda counting on Senator
Susan Collins to pull the
big "NO!" lever
for SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh
but that
possibility gets bleaker
all the time, especially
considering her husband of
six years, Thomas
is a lobbyist who
has mysteriously done free
consulting work for an historic
settlement in Kenai, Alaska.
Even more intriguing is
that Kenai is just down the
tundra from Wasilla.
Yes, when Sarah Palin said
she saw Russia from her house
I think she meant "Russians".
Shortly after the attacks
of 9-11 George W. Bush said
the following:
I saw an airplane hit the
tower - the TV was obviously
on - and I used to fly myself,
and I said, 'There's one
terrible pilot.' And I said,
'It must have been a horrible
What Bush is admitting here
is that he saw the first
plane strike the Towers.
That could only have been
from a closed-circuit feed
directly to his presidential
Enjoy removing those shoes,
For those new to Raging Pencils
I usually rage against the
Fates on September 11th by
pointing out the obvious
occurred that day. For a
rehash of what you may have
you can use the
following links:
Unforgotten (A 10-part series)
Building 7
Newton's Laws
The Trifecta
Edna Cintron
And, for good measure...
Lefty's Request
Feeding the Flames
Imagine No Religion
Humpty's Wall
PNAC Realtors
I am the Red Hen. I am Maxine Waters.
I am Patricia Okoumou. I am Kristin
Mink. I am Robert De Niro. I am David
Hogg. I am Emma Gonzelez. I am Mike
Avenetti. I am Stormy Daniels. I
am Rachel Maddow. I am Pickaxe Guy.
I am LeBron James. I am Robert Mueller.
I am Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I
am Peter Strzok. I am Elizabeth Warren.
I am Heather Heyer. I am Beto
O'Rourke. I am Andrew Gillum. I am
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. I am
Botham Jean.
Fuck Trump.

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someone you barely tolerate a beautiful, 100% cotton
Raging Pencils t-shirt from the RP
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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
GOP elephant: This Judge Kavanaugh is great! He's
opposed to abortion, immigration, environmental
regulation, the rights to privacy, gun control,
unions….Sigh, and he'll let you shoot people
on Main street.
Trump: hire 'im.