progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident
a reminder that t-Rump conspired
with Justice Kennedy to get
him to retire so that his
seat on the bench would be
for the next forty years
by this odious toad, Kavanaugh.
Incidently, I wanted to add
to the cartoon "Brett Kavanaugh
is Harriet Miers with a smaller
penis" but there's only so
much room.
I am the Red Hen. I am Maxine Waters.
I am Patricia Okoumou. I am Kristin
Mink. I am Robert De Niro. I am David
Hogg. I am Emma Gonzelez. I am Mike
Avenetti. I am Stormy Daniels. I
am Rachel Maddow. I am Pickaxe Guy.
I am LeBron James. I am Robert Mueller.
I am Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I
am Peter Strzok. I am Elizabeth Warren.
I am Heather Heyer. I am Beto
O'Rourke. I am Andrew Gillum. I am
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.
Fuck Trump.

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