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Mueller Report Part Three: The Kids In Cages Edition
Sorry for the long delay. Life kind of intruded in
my, uh, life.
There will be a new update every day
this week.
Tomorrow: Pages 12-17 summarized by breakfast cereal
The Pumpkin Prince is threatening to deport millions
of illegals out of the country beginning next week.
You know what THAT means?
Job openings at Mar-A-Lago.
"Hello and welcome to 'Giggles on the Square'!
And now the comedy stylings of Senator Lisa Murkowski!"
The Mueller report detailed reasons for concern about
Russian actions … but that’s why we shouldn’t
do anything to protect our elections.” (Actual
Murkowski quote)
Wasn't she great? Give her big hand, everybody. And
don't forget to tip your waitress! God knows they barely
make enough to feed themselves."
Question: Why is the U.S. military afraid that Trump
will give military secrets to the Russians?
Answer: Because they know Trump will give military
secrets to the Russians.
"There's never been a time in the history of our
country where somebody was so mistreated as I have
been." - Donald Trump
Is that a dare? Please let that be a dare.
t-Rump says that Melania is just like Jackie O.
As I recall, Jackie O. married a rich Greek after her
husband was murdered by Russians but, hey, you know,
What do you get when you start cramming refugees into
warehouses instead of using long-standing practices
to sort out their legal standing?
You get 5000 men, women, children and babies in quarantine
for measles and mumps and Cthuhlu knows what other
contagious diseases.
That's 5000 so FAR.
So now they're in quarantine, which means either:
1. Expensive and labor-intensive medical care.
2. Letting them die like animals and saying Obama did
it, too.
Hmmm, now which path will the t-Rump administration
take? It's a puzzlement.
Right-wingers are passing these "heartbeat" laws
because a heartbeat can be detected in a fetus (Though
only via extraordinary technological means) though
not at 6 weeks. That's just an arbitrary time chosen
because it sounds good as a sound-bite on TV, plus
it's a woefully inconvenient time in a woman's reproductive
cycle. That's considered a bonus for conservatives.
But hearts aren't important, people. We've already
proved that with heart transplants. Hearts are just
meat tinker-toys. They are not the throne of the
soul. They're just a pump.
Conservatives could just as easily write "lung
laws" or "kidney laws" as they're
no less necessary for life than the heart, but they
neither move nor make sounds. They're boring.
It's the brain that's most important. It is the essence
of a human and it's not transplantable....yet, anyway.
We sing songs about the heart because it's romantic.
It's marketable. We have entire holidays that revolve
around heart-imagery, but the brain is where all
the action is.
Sadly for these conservative misogynists they can't
pass abortion restriction based on "brain function" or "conciousness" because
the brain doesn't fully develop until after a baby
is born. That's a mighty inconvenient truth. For
conservatives, anyway.
So here's where I remind you that no baby is born
religious. He or she is taught religion by their
parents or community. So maybe, just maybe, if we
stop teaching our children Bronze Age myths and legends
then they won't grow up to pass laws taking away
women's rights because the Big White Imaginary Man
Who Lives In the Clouds is watching and is taking
notes about them in his Big Book of Sins.

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Mueller Report pages 8-11: Kids in Cages
Page 8: 1-6-17, Trump is told that Russia assisted
his election. 5-9-17, Comey is fired and removed
from the case. Mueller steps in, which frightens
Trump. Trump tries to fire Mueller while obstructing
the inquiry.
Page 9: Russia's hacking and media campaigns
violated U.S. criminal law. Trump associates
Manafort, Papadopoulos, Flynn, and Cohen all
lied to the Special Counsel and thus impaired
the investigation.
Page 10: Trump campaign officials hid, filtered,
encrypted or destroyed data and communications
relevant to the investigation. This information
would be significant if made available.
Page 11: Special Counsel rules are specified.
Mueller can investigate and prosecute perjury,
obstruction of justice, and destruction of
evidence, among other crimes, tied to Russian
interference in the 2016 election.