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Mueller Report, Part Four: The Four Food Groups
Tomorrow: Pages 16-19 summarized by insects wearing
tiny hats.
Hope Hicks today defied a House subpoena by refusing
to answer questions before a closed-door investigative
panel. Her lawyer said she had "absolute immunity".
I want to remind all good and decent Democrats out
there that Susan McDougal refused to answer three questions
Ken Starr's
Whitewater investigation of Bill Clinton and was imprisoned
for 18 months on civil contempt.
Yes, Antonin Scalia was 79-years-old but he traveled
to a West Texas ranch in early 2016 for rest and relaxation,
summarily told his security to beat it, then died in
his sleep. Nothing suspicious there.
No autopsy. Nothing suspicious there.
Mitch McConnell spent the next year telling President
Obama he could not replace Scalia, that the Republican
Senate was saving the seat for "The next president".
At the time t-Rump was polling far below Hillary Clinton.
Nothing suspicious there.
The Republican Party then spent the entire campaign
season saying "You can't let Hillary win the election!
She'll put in a librul!" Nothing suspicious there.
The Republican-led Senate couldn't confirm Neil Gorsuch
with 60 votes so Mitch McConnell broke the Senate by
unleashing the "nuclear option" and thus
Neil Gorsuch passed 54-45. Nothing suspicious there.
Then Judge Kennedy unexpectedly retired. His son worked
for Deutsche Bank, the one that loaned t-Rump a billion
dollars when no other bank would loan him a dime. Nothing
suspicious there.
Brett Kavanaugh? He worked for Ken Starr during the
Monica Lewinsky scandal. He's the law clerk who laid
out all the sexually explicit questions that were asked
of President Clinton. (Starr was later dismissed from
his post as president of Baylor University for mishandling
a sexual-assault scandal.) Kavanaugh himself was accused
of sexual assault during his confirmation hearing but
the Republican majority ignored the evidence and confirmed
him with the fewest votes EVER for a Supreme Court
judge, 50-48.
Nothing suspicious there. That was just business as
Am I suggesting that the Republican Party offed Scalia
in order to facilitate packing the courts with white,
male, middle-aged, conservative apparatchiks who will
rewrite the American way of life for decades to come?
Noooo, I'd never do that. I'm not that suspicious.

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Mueller Report pages 12-15: Cereal mascots:
page 12: Mueller was authorized to investigate
Manafort, Cohen, Gates, Stone, and two redacted
names. Of 14 active cases referred for prosecution,
12 were redacted by William Barr.
Page 13: A description of the personnel involved
in the Mueller investigation, including 40
FBI agents. 2800 subpoenas and 500 warrants
were served, 500 witnesses were questioned
and 80 grand juries seated.
Pages 14: A detailed description of Russia's
Internet Research Agency (IRA) and the various
and numerous ways it infiltrated U.S. social
media to promote the Trump campaign.
Pages 15: Russia used fraudulent accounts on
Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to spread disinformation
to millions of unsuspecting users. One-half
of the page is fully redacted.