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Mueller Report, Part Five: Cute Bugs in Stunning Chapeaus
Tomorrow: Pages 21-24 summarized by anthropomorphized
vaginal hygiene sprays.... maybe.
I'm of the ever-increasing belief that people who were
actually IN concentration camps should be believed
when they say t-Rump's "deportation camps" are concentration
camps. They ought to know.
Secondarily, why the hell do we call these things "camps"?
It's way too nice a word to append to facilities this
ghastly. I think a much better term would be "racist
See you tomorrow.

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Mueller Report pages 16-20: Bugs in Cute Hats
Page 16: The IRA was managed by Bystrov and
Burchik and funded until 2018 by wealthy Russian
Yevgeniy Prigozhin. It was part of a larger
plan called "Project Lakhta".
Page 17: 90% redacted. Prigozhin is known as "Putin's
Cook" and the two have appeared together
in photographs. Footnotes mention the sanction
of individuals connected with Crimea and Ukraine.
Pages 18 and 20: These pages are completely
redacted except for a single footnote on page
18 defining "internet trolls".
Page 19: 50% redacted. In Spring of 2014 the
IRA consolidated it's U.S. operation's under
one department called "Translator".
It handled social media, analytics, graphics,
and IT.