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Mueller Report, Part Nine: Too Many Jesuses
The original concept of today's 'toon was the Mueller
Report synopsized by God. The four panels would have
Get it?
It was a concept but, thankfully, I conceived something....
Tomorrow: Pages 38-41, summarized by heads in jars.
I swear there are people whose job is to sit around
and think of new and interesting ways to soak the tax-payer.
2002: "Let's invade Iraq and then we'll replace
soldiers with private contractors. We can pay them
BILLIONS off the books and everyone will think they're
keeping us safe from Al Qaeda."
2016: "Let's kidnap immigrant children, stash
them in warehouses, and charge the tax-payers $750
apiece, per day, for each kid. We can make BILLIONS
this way and everyone will think we're keeping America
safe from Mexican rapists."
I wanted to do a similar synopsis for the 2008 economic
meltdown but all that banking fuckery made my brain
throb the
the debates, everyone. My moeny's on Trump dropping
a nuke on Tehran right before Elizabeth Warren opens
her mouth.
See you tomorrow.

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Mueller Report pages 34-37: Jesus
Jesus Rodriguez, Goldstein, Garcia, Lopez
Page 34: Donald Trump, his two sons, Kellyanne
Conway and Michael T. Flynn all responded and/or
retweeted content created by Russia's IRA.
Page 35: (30% redacted) The investigation determined
that Russia illegally interfered in the 2016
presidential election through "active
measures" carried out by the IRA.
Page 36: Russia's GRU (like our CIA) targeted
Democratic computers and email accounts, later
releasing hundres of thousands of stolen documents
under the online personas "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer
Page 37: One wing of the GRU specifically targeted
the Clinton Campaign, the DNC and the DCCC.
Another wing attacked state boards of elections
and entities related to the administration
of U.S. elections.