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Mueller Report, Part Ten: Up to our necks.
Tomorrow: Pages 42-45, summarized by things found under
the couch cushions.
Here's how I wish the two debates had gone:
Moderator: "And now, for our first question..."
Democratic Candidate1: "Uh, just a moment. We'd all
like to say something first."
DC2: "Yes, to start with we ALL believe in a woman's
right to choose. Full stop."
DC3: "And we all think that climate change is real
and it must be stopped at all costs. No question."
DC4: "We all also think that
the insurance and drug companies are out of control
so Medicare-for-all, or something like it, needs to
be implemented in this
DC5: "We also think Trump is abusing children on the
border for political purposes. He is a monster, plain
and simple."
DC6: "We all also think that higher education should
be free or much less costly."
"We also think assault weapons need to be more tightly
regulated, at the very least."
DC8: "We all think Mr. Obama's nuclear agreement with
Iran was a much better idea than a war with Iran."
DC9: "We all also think that income inequality is out
of hand so we need to tax the rich and the corporations
DC10: "And we all agree that Trump is working with
the Russians against this country's better interests
and that it's time for him to go."
DC1: "So that's our basic platform. We can work out
the details later. Now here's a conch. The person holding
the conch gets to
talk, uninterrupted, for two minutes and then must
hand it to the person to their left. So Rachel, Todd,
go get some coffee and get comfortable. We'll take
it from here."
Republicans: Scared of socialism.
Democrats: Scared of fascism.
I know which party I prefer.
You can easily find something objectionable about each
of the 20+ Democratic presidential candidates but remember
Trump is a lying, lazy, greedy, entitled, simple-minded,
arrogant, racist, rapist who is proving to be terrible
in all areas of governance.
Anyone but Trump!
would take all twenty Democratic candidates over Trump
though I'd have to think a LONNNNNG time before I pushed
that Gabbard or Williamson button. How the hell did
those two get on that stage?
See you tomorrow.

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Mueller Report pages 38-41: Heads in jars
Page 38: Russia's GRU gained access to DCCC
servers by April 12, 2016 and implanted malware
into the system designed to steal data, log
keystrokes, and take screenshots.
Page 39: (66% redacted) The data collected
by the malware was sent to a middle set of
GRU-controlled servers, which then forwarded
the data to a leased commuter system in (redacted)
Page 40: The GRU malware stole DNC passwords,
internal communications, bank information,
fundraising data, emails, and opposition research
of Donald Trump. Over 70 gigabytes of data.
Page 41: GRU created a site called
from which they distributed most of the data
stolen from DNC and DCCC servers, beginning
around June of 2016.