progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

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Every state should have a wonderful little resort town
called "Whereyoucamefrom" so that whenever
you're told to "go back to where you came from"
you can say "Gee, thanks, man! I could USE a vacay
from YOUR racist ass!"
Back in the day comedian Richard Pryor once pontificated
on the use of the word "ni@@er". It bothered him a
lot. His solution was to suggest that we all use it
as much as possible, and in so doing dilute its potency.
Pryor thought it'd be cool if then-president Jimmy
Carter introduced his cabinet as his "ni@@ers".
That's kind of what I was going for in this comic,
a way to take the sting out of the "go back where you
came from" horse-shit that spews from the spigot at
1600 Pennsylvania.
I'm suddenly all curious about how many of you lovely
louts out there don't know about NBC's Seth Myers?
I watch
his "Closer
Looks" I
think to myself "That's what the broadcast news
should look like!"
Seth offers not just
reportage but
inciteful and hilarious public flaying of pompous
orange fucktrumpets.
Stay up late and catch him live or watch him on Youtube.
Either way, it's all good.
Omar Ilhan: You rock!
I just watched the trailer for the new "Cats" movie
and I now have the strangest boner. Seriously, screw
pole-dancing and Pornhub. Bring me the calico wench
and be quick about it!
I'm tellin' ya, the costumes in this production
are so beautifully detailed that I'm going to be sorely
I don't see some little feline buttholes winking at
the audience during the pas de deuxs.

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someone you barely tolerate a beautiful, 100% cotton
Raging Pencils t-shirt from the RP
Spreadshirt store. |
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The Where You Came From Fuck Trump superstore.
I don't know why Trump keeps telling people
to come here, but I'm making a fortune.