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Dog Ate My Democracy
I just earned a three-day ban on Facebook today.
Because of this post:
How a voting ballot appears to a Republican:
( ) White Male (R)
( ) Some damn ni@@er (D)
( ) Some damn woman (I)
( ) Some damn fa@@ot (G)
Facebook (Actually, FB's bots) claimed I attacked people
based on their race on gender preference.
Not. Fucking. Hardly.
tried working the old "Star Trek logic" trap
on them
but their little circuit boards gave me the cyber-finger.
Yes, the post was incendiary but it's not like shouting
"Free Tiki Torches!" in a crowded KKK meeting. Three
days goes fast so I'm not sweating it. All the more
time to draw cartoons, right?
BTW, don't pooh-pooh Facebook. I have a strong following
there and run a tight, progressive ship. It's a safe
place to ridicule conservatives, at least until Grammaw
'Book got all fussy.
The timing of the DOJ's reinstatement of the death
penalty was just perfect for Chuck Todd to ask the
candidates which one's are in favor of allowing convicted
murderers of women and children to continue to live.
"So tell me, Mr. Buttigieg, if someone murdered your
husband would you
want them executed. Oh, and are you still beating your
Fuck Chuck.
Speaking of the Debates, keep in mind that the Democratic
candidates for president are not promising "free stuff"
as the Republican Patsy's claim. They're
already have
if Republicans weren't tightly focused on giving as
many tax dollars as possible to their rich supporters.
At the Democratic debates I hope one of the candidates
says "As president I'm going to build a wall between
the US and Mexico and pay off the national debt in
eight years. Nahhhh, I'm just kidding. Only a moron
would promise that. Right?"
Let's be honest... if Trump started wearing a little
black mustache and an armband emblazoned with a swastika
his poll numbers among Republicans would go up.
Trump is the King of Fools. and there seem to be no
end of fools in this kkkountry.

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