Stupid Season
did I learn from Trump "working" at McDonald's?
I learned that Trump would probably shtup the corpse of his
own mother if he thought it would get him another five minutes
of national news coverage. Also, I learned I'll never be
eating at McDonald's again.
too bad we can't reach out and tell McDonald's what a ridiculously
bad idea it was to let Trump pretend to cook and serve food
at one of their stores...
Oh... wait! There IS!
Contact Us: What's on Your Mind
Trump really should have made fries at Burger King, home
of the Whopper. Thank you. Please sit down! No, you're too
Trump at McDonald's
Trump: How'm I doing?
Boss: I'd say you're one fry short of a Happy Meal.
Trump: Impossible! My segment director made sure….
Boss: That's not what I meant.
Okay, Donald, you've pretended to cook some fries for (a
closed) McDonald's. Now maybe in another 20 years you can
be a prosecutor for the state of California, and in 40 years
you can run for president.
You may start that journey anytime.
I found this sign this past weekend. Best political sign
this campaign season yet.
