over at Fox News, they are saying (and I am NOT making this
up) "Heyyyy, this whole German general thing Trump is
talking about sounds mighty tasty. U.S. generals should just
bow to Trump's every murderous whim ."
And, yes, Trump wanted the military to shoot peaceful protesters.
When Trump says he needs to shut down ABC, CBS and MSNBC,
and knowing that so much of what he says is pure projection,
this gives me hope that somewhere in Washington someone in
the DOJ is looking for ways to legally shut down this cancer
on our democracy that dares call itself "News".
Yours truly,
The Enemy Within
All you need to know about Trump:
If you're influential, you're his pal.
If you're not then you're a sucker and a loser.
Not to sound TOO unkind here but is it too late to introduce
Trump to erotic asphyxiation?
I mean, he's already got the
perfect ties for it.
I voted today and I wore the bluest shirt in my closet.
Last time I voted for president I wore a Howard Dean shirt
I thought the Red Hats in the line were going to have a heart
"Hey! That's a political shirt!"
I wondered if there's a statute of limitations on this stuff.
What if I wore a "Warren Harding for President" shirt?
Anyhoo, I expected long lines but there was none. Every
machine was in use but I was in and out in ten minutes. (Voting
is way up here in Dallas County. a good sign ina Blue area.)
I didn't have
but I certainly had a long conversation afterward with a
racing bike fan who saw my rig locked up out front of the
polling station.