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The progressive comic about President Musk

end rant

Vital Signs

That is my yard, that is my mower, and that is my sign. And it will stay there until its component elements wither in the face of the raging north Texas elements.... and then I'll just replace it with another.


The unfortunate part about passively giving the progressive finger to every Red Hat that drives past my house is that I live on a quiet residential back-street. Which means for the foreseeable future I'll only be annoying a select few of my neighbors and or their visitors.

And oh, what neighbors I have.

I have a Hispanic family next door whose first-gen son, a lad in his late-30s, has shared his woeful lament to me on several occasions about "all those migrants crossing the border, taking our jobs". Sigh.

I have another neighbor, an older White individual, who has probably never voted in his life but is literally cackling with glee about the "grand renovation" the U.S. government is about to experience. Oy!

I also have neighbors just two houses away who live in the most expensive house on the street and who haven't made a public appearance in over two years. If you try to view their house on Google Maps the image is blurred out. Hmmm.

Then there's my other neighbor who was convinced, in 2020, that Joe Biden was a pedophile. He now knows Trump s nuts so sometimes the signal gets through the noise. Yay!


Advance Warning: Because Xmas is smack-dab in the middle of the week there will not be a Wednesday 'toon on the 25th but certainly ones for Monday and Friday. Happy Saturnalia!

- Lefty

end rant

Leftastic News for December 20, 2024

Bible removed from Texas school district owing to 'explicit sexual content'. Merry Christmas!

President Joe Biden forgives $4.3 billion in school loan debts. Merry Christmas!

Texas Governor Greg Abbott warns migrants they'll get raped if they come here. Eat shit, Greg!

President Elon Musk is a spoiled child trying to pretend he's an adult.

President Elon Musk would have lost the election if only 115,000 Trump votes went to Kamala in three battleground states.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Red Hat: Dude, the election is over. Why do you still have your Kamala sign on your lawn?
Lefty: It’s a notice that I’m not responsible for President Musk.

The progressive comic about President Musk

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