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The progressive comic about Trump's weird cabinet choices

end rant

Silent Nacht

If given the chance would you travel back in time to the 1930s and assassinate Hitler before he started WWII?

Most people with even the tiniest karmic bone in their body would leap at the chance. So here's my question:

What is the difference between murdering Hitler and murdering the CEO of a health insurance company whose policies drive thousands of Americans to bankruptcy and let people die needlessly?

Very damn little, is my answer.

I don't weep for the insurance companies because health insurance is not health care. It's a racket.

I don't weep for the CEO because karma only allows you to keep your foot on the throat of those you use and abuse for only so long.

And I don't weep for the CEO's family as his widow certainly did not have to return her hubby's $10 million dollar bonus shortly before he ran into old Luigi. She also gets to wallow in all the sympathy she wants, forever, from those in her social and economic bubble. She'll be fine.

Yeah, that sounds cruel, but his wife knew full well she was married to the equivalent of a mafia drug lord. So boo-fucking-hoo.


I had planned to develop the above scenario into a 'toon featuring Little Billy's Xmas wish, of a mall Santa, to kill Hitler but it devolved into a lot of time paradox problems. Plus, I also recently created a comic featuring a genie and, frankly, I dislike stories about time travel and/or magic in general because those are just excuses for lazy writing. Better to stick with parody.

Works for me.


Trump’s brain-worm decided that taking the Panama Canal, by force if need be, is just the spiffiest idea because just think of all the fun he can have, and all the money he could extort from other countries, by putting his stranglehold on the global shipping economy.

Or it could be that Elon doesn't want to pay for shipping his cars through the Canal. Probably both, and even more criminality than I can comprehensibly imagine


Speaking of lazy, the art for today's 'toon originated back in December of 2015 and was about all the loonies running to be the Republican 2016 presidential nominee (see below). It's been updated, very nicely I think, to reflect the current situation and, even better, it's a lot more pointed and mean-spirited.

Yeah, Just what I needed. Mwah-ha-haaaaa!

Happy Holidays and Season's Greetings and a Delightful Saturnalia and a Groovy Winter Solstice and a, well, Merry Xmas, too, I guess. Enjoy your presents, your family and your day(s) off. See you Friday.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftastic News for December 23, 2024

Matt Gaetz, Trump's misfit choice to be attorney general, was/is a drug-fueled pedo.

Trump wants to invade Panama and take the Canal because he owes them back taxes? Probably.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson "jokingly" offered his job to President Elon Musk!

Greenland tells Trump to pound sand.

The GOP wants to steal your Social Security and Medicare funding so they can give it to their rich donors.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

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frack-in-the-box, Chevron, Roe, eggs, cowboy on an ostrich, spotted elephant, autism, vaccination, train with square wheels, immigrants, Jesus, water pistol that shoots lead semi-automatic jelly, island of misfit cabinet members, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, Yukon Cornelius, Hermey the elf

The progressive comic about Trump's bizarre cabinet choices.

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