June 2008
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6-2-2008 |
John McCain recently broke with Pastor
Hagee Fox News said it was because Hagee
was "critical
of the Catholic Church".
Actually, that's not exactly true, even though Hagee's been referring to the
Catholic Church as, in his own words, "The Great Whore" for a long
time. As far as Senator McCain is concerned, that's just dandy.
No, McCain kissed the pious parasite goodbye because he was of the opinion that
Hitler was part of God's great plan for hunting the Jews and, thus, sending them
to Israel.
Frankly, I don't know what McCain is so afraid of. Having unequivocal business
connections with Hitler sure didn't stop the last two George Bushes from winning
the presidency. |
6-4-2008 |
Former congressman Phil Gramm
is Senator John McCain's
economic advisor. He's
also vice-president of UBS AG,
a collossal Swiss-owned
investment bank. While
working for this company Gramm actively promoted "death bonds", described
by Business Week as “the most macabre investment scheme ever devised
by Wall Street.”
Essentially, money was raised by selling government bonds which was then used
to buy life insurance on retired teachers. When the teachers died the money would
go to pay the insurers and the bond-holders.
This is the government preying on the dead for the benefit of
the insurance industry. "Macabre" is
an understatement.
Gramm expects to be the next Secretary of the Treasury under McCain. Zeus help
us all. |
6-6-2008 |
in Louisiana for his big speech earlier this week,
John McCain was asked by a local reporter why he
had voted against creating a federal commission
to investigate the Katrina disaster.
McCain's response?
"I've supported every investigation and ways of finding out what caused
the tragedy..."
Sorry, John, but that's incorrect.
In fact, he voted against such a commission -- twice.
And where was McCain when New Orleans was flooding? He was in California, eating
cake and raising money with George Bush. |
6-9-2008 |
had an uncle who developed some sort of brain
rot in South Korea back in the late 1950s. He
went absolutely bat-shit crazy. The government
certified him 100% disabled and for that he received
the then-generous sum of $527 a month, all of
which he processed directly through his liver
for the remainder of his life on Earth. The demons
that plagued his mind weren't cured by the alcohol,
but it at
long enough to let him sleep.
He died several years ago but if he was still alive he would have been approximately
the same age as John McCain.
When John McCain finally released his income tax statement for 2007 it revealed
that he receives $58,000 a year, tax-free, for being 100% militarily disabled.
$58,000. That's almost $5,000 a month.
So how does the military define 100% disability?
Subpart A_General Policy in Rating
Sec. 4.15 Total disability ratings.
Total disability will be considered to exist when there is present any impairment
of mind or body which is sufficient to render it impossible for the
average person to follow a substantially gainful occupation; Provided,
That permanent total disability shall be taken to exist when the impairment
is reasonably certain to continue throughout the life of the disabled person.
The following will be considered to be permanent total disability: the
permanent loss of the use of both hands, or of both feet, or of one hand
and one foot, or of the sight of both eyes, or becoming permanently helpless
or permanently bedridden. |
This is a man who
recently bragged of hiking the Grand Canyon with
his son at about the same time he voted against
a bill raising soldier's benefits.
I have seen the horror that is 100% disability and Mr. McCain doesn't come
close. At all. Evidently Mr. McCain suffered severe damage to his sense of
decency at
the hands of the Viet Cong. That's the only thing that could
truly explain such shamelessness. |
6-11-2008 |
of John McCain's strong points myths is that
he fought his Vietnamese captors to a standstill.
he denied them vital information even though
they tortured him day and night.
Evidently not.
Jack Lamb, who served nine years performing secret operations in Cambodia,
has revealed that not only was McCain not tortured, he was treated very well
by the
Viet Cong once they found out his father was an admiral. It helped that he
sung like a bird about military operations in Southeast Asia, so much so that
VC nick-named him "Songbird".
He even made 32 propaganda films denouncing the U.S.
These films, according to Lamb, have since been classified by the government
and sealed from public view.
According to Lamb all the POW's who personally know McCain
think he's a "lying
skunk". Gosh, that seems so... unlike Mr. "Take Any Position That's
Most Suitable To The Occasion But Call Myself A Straight Talker Because Most
People Are Dumb Enough To Believe Anything".
You can read more about this story here or
you can listen to the interview with Alex Jones below:
6-13-2008 |
McCain, 2006: “I agree with President Roosevelt,
and I remain opposed to full repeal of the estate
John McCain, 2008: "The estate tax is one
of the most unfair tax laws on
the books."
You like that? How about more recent John McCain quotes:
"Would I want Dick cheney back? Hell, yeah!"
"I am a computer illiterate."
"The fact is Ahmadinejad’s the acknowledged leader of Iran" (Uhhhh,
no, he isn't.)
"By 2008, I think I might be ready to go down to the old soldiers home and
await the cavalry charge there. " [2000]
“I’m going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics than I
do about military and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated.” (2008)
“The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well
as I should,” but “I’ve got Greenspan’s book.” (2007)
And finally, as the forward for the book "The Best and the Brightest" the
man who wants the U.S. to stay in Iraq for a million years wrote this:
"It was a shameful thing to ask men to suffer and die, to persevere through
god-awful afflictions and heartache, to endure the dehumanizing experiences
that are unavoidable in combat, for a cause that the country
wouldn’t support over time and that our leaders so wrongly believed could
be achieved at a smaller cost than our enemy was prepared to make us pay. No
other national endeavor requires as much unshakable resolve as war. If the
nation and the government lack that resolve, it is criminal to expect men in
the field
to carry it alone. " |
Bringing the
troops home is not...
too... important?
Ground control to Major McCain. Come in, McCain.
6-16-08 |
his recent town hall event in New Hampshire,
Sen. John McCain got into a verbal back-and-forth
a voter over his support for Social Security
privatization. McCain told the man, “I’m
not for, quote, privatizing Social Security. I
never have
been. I never will be.”
Sorry, John. That's incorrect. In your own words:
“Without privatization, I don’t see how you can possibly, over time,
make sure that young Americans are able to receive Social Security benefits.” [C-Span
Road to the White House, 11/18/2004]
“As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts
are a part of it — along the lines that President Bush proposed.” [Wall
Street Journal, 3/3/2008]
Not only was McCain "a big booster” of Bush’s 2005 plan to
privatize Social Security but one of his top economic advisers, Carly Fiorina,
recently told conservative radio host Bill Bennett that McCain “supports
private accounts as one of the ways to reform the system” and that “he
will continue to be supportive of those.”
What's that, John? Never will what? Never have when? |
John McCain
vs. John McCain. Simply brilliant editing... or non-editing.
6-18-2008 |
has publicly flip-flopped on every issue he has
ever supported... except one.
He has always, always, always, been anti-choice.
There are four Supreme Court judges that could conceivably step down during a
McCain administration. If given the opportunity McCain will be delighted to prohibit
safe and legal abortions in the U.S.
And that would be for a long, long time. |
Cindy McCain
is a cunt? Well, according to John McCain she is.
6-20-2008 |
Obama today announced that he was withdrawing
from the public financing system, primarily because
are rolling in so fast from individuals that
the information actually crashed government spreadsheets.
Senator McCain isn't happy about this.
“Today, Barack Obama has revealed himself to be just another typical politician
who will do and say whatever is most expedient for Barack Obama" said McCain
campaign communications director Jill Hazelbaker. "This undermines his
call for a new type of politics.”
In case you don't know, Obama is the first candidate for president to use the
internet so effectively to find grassroots supporters. This IS a new type
of politics.
However, in 2004, McCain said this about this new type of politics:
"I think it's wonderful that Howard Dean was able to use the Internet, $50,
$75, $100 contributions. That's what we want it to be all about. We want average
citizens to contribute small amounts of money, and that's a commitment to a
campaign. So I'm for that. I think it's a great thing. I think the Internet is
going to
change American politics for the better. "
Yes, a day without a McCain flip-flop is like a day without $140-a-barrel crude
Also, McCain is soon to be sued by the DNC for violating the public financing
rules that HE wrote. More details here.
McCain should already be facing sanctions at the hand of the Federal Elections
Committee for violating the rules which he wrote, but ex-governor Bush refuses
to seat a quorum so it's unable to rule on anything under its jurisdiction.
huh? |
You can thank
Senator McCain and his lobbyist buddies for the record gas prices.
You can thank Keith Olbermann for spelling
out the sordid details.
6-23-2008 |
right wing propaganda machine, primarily Fox News,
has been making hay with the following quote by
Michelle Obama, the wife of democratic presumed
presidential candidate Barack Obama:
"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country."
She is, of course referring to an America which suddenly seems to have no qualms
about electing something other than a lily-white male to the office of President.
I see her point and I agree with her.
However, in a March 13th, 2008 interview with Sean Hannity John McCain said the
"I didn't really love America until I was deprived of her company."
He is referring to his being captured by the Viet Cong and how he suddenly,
and presumably <sniff>, missed his TV and his beer and perhaps even his
wife, the former swimsuit model whom he divorced soon after returning home
because she'd
become misfigured due to a terrible traffic accident.
John McCain reportedly had a good, stable life as a child. He went to an expensive
boarding schools and got a college degree at the U.S. Naval Academy. Then he
joined the miltary as a naval aviator, something he presumably always wanted
to do. His life was hardly a living hell.
And he didn't love this country until he was captured by the enemy?
Well, boo-fucking-hoo. |
John McCain
did not love America <Gasp!> in
his own words.
6-27-2008 |
John McCain's top adviser, Charlie Black, said
that the assassination of Benazir Bhutto "helped" McCain
win the Republican nomination, and that another
terrorist attack against the U.S would be a big
advantage to him.
McCain responded, saying "I can't imagine
why he
would say it. It's not true...I strenuously disagree."
Uhhh, John?
Remember when you recently said the following to Roger Simon of the Politico:
"My theme has been throughout this campaign that I am the one with the experience,
the knowledge and the judgment. So, perhaps it (i.e., the turmoil caused by
the assassination) may serve to enhance those credentials."
And so the Straight Talk Express collapses another bridge over Foot In Mouth
gorge. |
6-30-2008 |
Friday, the 27th of June, Senator John McCain was
scheduled to give a speech via telephone to members
of the B'Nai B'rith. He was only able to get a
few words out before the line went dead.
Only he didn't notice.
He continued talking for twenty minutes before it was pointed out that he was,
in fact, alone.
Now, how hard is it to tell when a telephone has gone dead?
This doesn't seem to be the guy we want answering the phone at 2AM... especially
if he can't hear who is, or isn't, on the other end. |
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