September 2008
Get to
know the REAL John McCain. And share, won't you?
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What's going to be the public reaction when John McCain brings
his whole family onto the stage and the American public sees,
probably for the first time, that one of his children (adopted)
is very dark-skinned? The McCain's adoption of Bridget is laudable
but it's certainly going to be a shock to a large segment of
the population. Especially those who won't vote for Obama just
because he's half-black.
On tiny bit of unintended irony... Stuart Shepard, of the very
conservative Focus on the Family, had encouraged his people to
pray to god for a rainstorm to flood Barack Obama's acceptance
speech. How very Christian Satanic of them. Now it looks
like a different kind of flood will wipe out John McCain's day
in the sun. (BTW, didn't Gustav intensify to storm status on the
day that Sarah Palin was tapped for VP? I'm just sayin'.)
McCain is planning on delivering speeches during the Republican
Convention FROM New Orleans, a move that's only slightly more politically
slimy than, oh, I dunno, visiting an Iraq market under the protection
of a brigade of soldiers and then telling everyone that Iraq is
perfectly safe. Need I remind you that after Katrina hit New Orleans,
while most of us was watching people drown, McCain was busy on
a fund-raising junket in Arizona, sharing birthday cake with
George Bush.
McCain was a guest Sunday on Fox News (of course) where he said
he was opposed to waterboarding, because it's torture. As usual
he conveniently forgot he voted against a recent bill prohibiting
waterboarding. When the bill was passed by the Congress he advised
Bush to veto it, which he did.
On the same program he also said he was is favor of minimum wage
increases when, in fact, he voted against them 19 times.
A man with no scruples and no memory of such perfidy is considered
a sociopath in more evolved societies.
"[Hilary Clinton] won millions of votes - but isn't on [Barack Obama's]ticket.
Why? For speaking the truth, on his plans." - John Sidney McCain
So, why didn't you choose Mitt Romney for veep, you fucking hypocrite?
How about a few of Sarah Palin's Favorite Quotes:
"I was against the Bridge to Nowhere." (False)
"I don't know what the vice-president does." (True)
"I was fully vetted by the McCain campaign." (False)
"I supported the succession of Alaska from the U.S. (True)
"I am against earmarks." (False)
"I worked for Ted Stevens." (True)
"I'm a soccer mom. "( False)
"I care more for oil than polar bears." (True)
"I'm a member of the PTA." (False)
"I believe the Founding Fathers wrote the Pledge of Allegiance." (True)
"I'd feed you to the piranha for your Snickers Bar." (True)
There are many breathless discussions on the 'net
lately that Sarah Palin's son, Trig, is actually
the fruit of
her daughter's loins,
the salacious Bristol. This allegation
is supported by
quite a
lot of circumstantial
Now, let's see, what would be the best way to quell conjecture on this issue?
I know! Release your medical records.
But, no, Sarah Barracuda chose instead to throw her under aged,
pregnant daughter to the media wolves, totally fucking her over
for the
rest of her
life and still not convincing anyone of the real crux of the story.
For more on this argument, read Leigh
Bailey's reasoned analysis at Salon.com. Bailey's a
mother, and she knows red herring when she smells it.
One last Palin note before we get back to McThuselah ...
In my opinion the main reason the RNC chose Palin for veep, apart from her fortuitous
arrangement of chromosomes, is because she's an ambitious cipher who will do
anything for power. This is clear from her working history. This makes her even
more dangerous
than Dick Cheney as she'll happily do anything Karl Rove tells her, and if she
makes a monstrous mistake she can fall on the old "I had no idea what the
vice-president does" line she's already famous for.
This is not just a bad choice on McThuselah's part, this is actively malevolent.
McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds was pwned
during an interview on CNN by host Campbell Brown. In
retaliation, John McCain canceled an interview with CNN's Larry
King. (Meanwhile, Barack Obama decided it was time to take on Bill
"Falafel" O'Reilly.)
John, you big puss, if you can't hack an interview with mean old
Larry, who almost literally rolls on his back and wets himself
in the presence of his guests, then you lack the spine to adequately
run this country.
In all probability McCain's handlers were probably looking for
a way to avoid another embarrassing episode of gaffe's and malaprop's
from their maverick meal ticket.
The McCain lawyers are currently using legal tactics to stall the
release of the Troopergate report, due out about October 30th.
In essence, Palin turned herself in so that she can be tried by
three judges that she personally appointed.
Can't see the problem there. Oh, look, a bridge! Is it for sale?
Logic insists that Palin knows she's guilty otherwise she'd gladly
do whatever she could to get this matter squared away before the
election. Quitting now would be bad enough but quitting in disgrace
after she's elected VP would be worse... unless you're a Republican,
then no crime is too heinous to earn a pardon. Right, Scooter?
Rick Davis, John McCain's campaign manager, just coughed up this
revealing nugget of insight:
“This election is not about issues,” said Davis. “This election
is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.”
In other words, Obama is Black, McCain is white. Yeah, we know.
In 2000 Tucker Eskew, then working for the Bush presidential campaign,
conceived the odious brainstorm of starting a whisper campaign
intimating that McCain had sired an illegitimate black child. It's
said these
rumors are what sunk McCain's presidential hopes in 2000.
John McCain today hired the very same Tucker Eskew to work for
him. That is more than desperation, folks. This is just plain sad.
I can hardly wait to see how this "fathered a black child" approach
works on Barack Obama.
It's day seven and the press has yet been allowed to interview
Sarah Palin. In fact, McCain aide Nicole Wallace told Time
Magazine yesterday that the press will never be allowed to
interview the creepy VP during the campaign.
Pardon mon French but what a bunch of pussies these Republicans
are turning out to be. McCain was put on house arrest by his campaign
manager weeks ago and now this. I guess they're both just going
to hide in the basement and crank-call Obama until November 4th.
Considering McCain's advanced age and bad health (He's MUCH frailer
than you think, BTW) the basic question of the election comes down
to this:
Would you rather have Obama or
Palin as president?
Do I really even have to ask?
Cheap Theatrics of the Day
On Wednesday morning, a teenage boy from Alaska stood in a receiving
line on an airport tarmac, being glad-handed by the potential next
president of the United States — because he got his girlfriend
pregnant. TV cameras were lined up in advance.
Hint: It wasn't Obama.
Remember the affair of John Edwards, a story broken by the National
Enquirer? Well, now the Enquirer is reporting that Sarah Palin
had a recent
affair with her husband's business partner.
In an interview with Charles Gibson Senator McThuselah offers another
howler about his new wife, er, veep:
“She has been vetted by the people of the state of Alaska. But most importantly,
people in America want change. They don’t want somebody from inside the
So, then, why the hell should they vote for you Mr. "26-years-inside-the-beltway"?
And in the same interview:
"She’s the commander of the Alaskan National Guard."
Sigh. No, John. She has no control whatsoever over the AK National
Guard. None. Zero. Zip. Please cut back on the stool softener as
it's coming out the wrong end.
Sarah Palin goes on and on about how much she fought government
handouts while Governor of Alaska.
Actually, according to USA Today, Alaska was #1 in earmarks in
can read the grisly details here.
On Thursday night at the Republican convention there were hundreds
of "Obey" signs being waved around. Get it? We're supposed
to obey Obama.

Oooooh, that darned old Obama! How dare he engage our hearts, minds,
and raw enthusiasm.
The really dumb part about this is that they're trying to scare
us with the word "obey" but, in fact, these very same
people are obeying their masters like the sheep they are, waving
their little signs on cue.
So who's actually doing the obeying?
Silly Republicans. Tricks are for kids.
Besides, the apex of Republican "family values", marriage,
hinges on love, honor and the willingness to obey. It's no surprise
Republicans don't seem to think much of the concept.
The Elitist Files - The $300,000 Ensemble
Cindy McCain:
Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100
Wow! No wonder McCain has so many houses: his wife has the price
of a Scottsdale split-level hanging from her ears.
All prices except Laura’s shoes and Cindy’s watch are
estimates, and the jewelry prices are based on the assumption that
the pieces are real. Estimates courtesy of Vogue Magazine.
what Sarah Palin's reaction was when she heard
that Barack Obama had beaten Hilary Clinton for
the Democratic presidential nomination?
"So, Sambo beat the bitch!"
Sarah Palin --- Racist,
sexist, vindictive and mean.
(The following is so far unsubstantiated but I think it's important
to get to the bottom of it.)
information is hitting the net concerning
Ms. Palin's oldest boy, Track. It seems
his enlistment in the military may have
been part of his punishment for getting
caught vandalizing buses in Wasilla.
(Because all but one of the perpetrators were minors their names
were not released. But information has a way of finding its way
into the light. More to come, I'm sure.)
As for the vandalism itself, many tires were cut, many motors were
unhooked from their electrical warmers and, oh yeah, the
brake lines to one of the buses had been cut. This was
serious business.
Shortly thereafter, and surely by only coincidence,
Track was sent to live with friends in Michigan, only coming back
in time to graduate with his friends.
Now, why would someone send their son thousands of miles away to
finish their senior year at school. Especially from a small town
school where surely everyone was like family. Could it be to, perhaps,
keep him away from his hoodlum friends?
Yes, Track is the new Fresh Prince of Bel Frozen Air.
a rumor at all is the fact that Sarah Palin's ob/gyn is a noted
child-abuse specialist.
Hmmm, call me cynical, but wouldn't a 16/17-year-old pregnant girl
require that kind of specialist more than a 44-year-old woman?
And how about this: For someone who would never abort a child,
no matter how deformed it may be, why did Ms. Palin take a test
which determined the child had Down's Syndrome?
These juicy note are only couple of a zillion odd questions about
the true lineage of Palin's youngest child. Go
here for a convenient and complete list of peculiarities.
Again, Ms. Palin, release your medical records and clear this all
up... unless you prefer using your children as political tools.
Which you obviously do.
hope I'm not the first, or the last, to inform you that when Ms.
Palin left her office as mayor of Wasilla she left the town of
6,000 over $20 million in long-term debt. When she arrived it was
largely debt-free.
Atta girl, Sarah.
is famous for saying she sold a jet on eBay. In truth, she didn't,
because it didn't sell. She instead sold it to a Valdez, Alaska
entrepreneur for about $300k less than it was worth.
Incidentally, the plane was used to ferry prisoners from Alaska,
which has a prison facility shortage, to Arizona.
It's a sin of omission on Palin's part, that she "put" the
plane on ebay but never claimed that it had been sold. The problem
is that really dumb people get the wrong impression like, for example,
this guy:
"You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was acquired
by her predecessor and sold it on eBay -- made a profit," - John McCain.
That's two lies, selling the plane and making a profit, from the
same little sin. Yes, it makes a difference.
One final important note: On Friday Sarah Palin
received a new luxury aircraft for her personal use.
It seats 100 in first-class style. No prisoners allowed.
Enough about Ms. Palin. It's time for a charming John
McCain story?
1996 a group of 25 people seeking the return
of soldiers lost in action in Viet Nam
had come to the senate to meet with Senator
McCain. One lady in a wheelchair and on
oxygen approached Mr. McCain with her arms
out. McCain's reaction:
"McCain stopped, glared at her, raised his left arm ready to strike her,
composed himself and pushed the wheelchair away from him," according to
Eleanor Apodaca, the sister of an Air Force captain missing since 1967.
the Republican National Committee one speaker after another ridiculed
Mr. Obama's three years community service back when he had just
left college. They attempted to make the idea of community organizations
appear silly and nonsensical, even though these were exactly the
same "thousand points of light" praised by George Bush.
George who? Oh, yeah, the current president. The fellow that was
mentioned only once during the entire Republican Convention.
The Republicans praised their war hero nominee forgetting that
they damned a TRUE war hero presidential nominee in 2004. He just
happened to be a Democrat.
Republicans are really disgusting people.
Senator McCain's acceptance speech last Thursday at the RNC he
used the word "I" over 200 times.
Senator Obama said "I' only about 100 times.
I think that's significant.
finally, in his acceptance speech this past Thursday McCain said
of his democratic opponent:
"...he's never run a city, never run a state, never run a business. He's
never had to lead people in crisis. "
That sounded strangely familiar...
Oh, yes, it's what Rudy Giuliani said about McCain during the debates.
Here's the exact quote:
"...has never run a city, never run a state, never run a government. He
has never been responsible as a mayor for the safety and security of millions
of people..."
Man, Republicans can really stay on message, can't they?
Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla the city charged
rape victims between $300 and $1200
for sexual assault forensic kits.
It's very surprising that a town with a woman mayor would allow
this to occur, especially in a town where every 25th man is a registered
sex offender (Yes, true) but Sarah Palin believes that every baby
conceived from rape or incest must be brought to full-term. So,
thinks Ms. Palin, who cares if anyone is actually guilty of rape
or not? Let's pump out them babies.
This is a sick, twisted, dangerous woman to have running for control
of this country.
nimrods (Matt Drudge, I'm looking right at you!) have been spreading
the FUD that Oprah Winfrey won't let Sarah Palin come on her show.
The truth is, they haven't yet considered it. That's
from the horses mouth.
Another rumor is that during Ms. Palin's acceptance speech at the
RNC her teleprompter malfunctioned and she proceeded to wing it
oh, so brilliantly.
Sorry, didn't
happen. Just more Republican horse-shit.
McCain approved of this
new ad.
John McCain is a lying, soulless scum bag.
The "sex education" thrust of the ad references, in actuality,
a bill that Obama voted on, as did many others. It included information
to children on what to watch for with an adult they don't know,
such as inappropriate advances or touching.
Yes, Obama and many other legislators were looking out for your
kids and McCain thinks it's funny. More
Lying. Soulless. Scumbag.
not sure why John McCain is lying to Marie Claire magazine, but
he did:
MC: Which celebrity would you like to be compared to? Bob Dylan?
Jack Nicholson?
(Dylan? DYLAN? =mike=)
McCAIN: Kiefer Sutherland. [laughs,
imitates a voice from the show 24] “It’s
Jack Bauer.” We have a lot in common because
he escapes all the time.
MC: Um, he’s also a torturer.
McCAIN: Yeah, that’s right. That’s where Jack and I
disagree. He believes in torture, but I don’t."
Yes, John, you DO believe in torture.
That's why you voted
against a bill to
ban waterboarding.
Late Addition:
In the Republican
primary debates on October 21, 2007, John McCain made the following
"I am prepared. I need no on-the-job training. I wasn't a mayor for a short
period of time. I wasn't a governor for a short period of time."
McCain helped write the public financing laws,
so it's no surprise he's taken advantage of another
large loophole.
You see, where television advertising is utilized it seems that
if you target the opposition party in general while you're also
taking swipes at the party head you can split the financial burden
50-50 with your party.
Hmmm. Now, why would anyone leave a loophole like that one?
McCain has consistently voted against bills
requiring equal pay for woman. But, his
spokesmen say, he's
for the concept.
That's like being for the concept of abstinence. The only ones
who end up getting screwed are the women.
Boxer says:
In the 16 years that we have served together in the Senate, I have
seen John McCain fight.
I have seen him fight against raising the federal minimum wage
14 times.
I have seen him fight against making sure that women earn equal
pay for equal work.
I have seen him fight against a women’s right to choose so
consistently that he received a zero percent vote rating from pro-choice
I have seen him fight against helping families gain access to birth
I have seen him fight against Social Security, even going so far
as to call its current funding system “an absolute disgrace.”
And I saw him fight against the new GI Bill of Rights until it
became politically untenable for him to do so.
John McCain voted with President Bush 95 percent of the time in
2007 and 100 percent of the time in 2008 — that’s no
case you were born without a functioning brain stem, all this nonsense
about lipstick by the Karl Rove Kommando's is designed solely to
keep real issues out of the news cycle. Issues like:
Staggering job losses, skyrocketing deficits, record food and gas
prices, the housing crisis, the coming credit card crisis, the
collapsing dollar, stagnant wages, record foreclosures and the
highest misery index in 17 years.
I got your lipstick right here!
McCain has long said that Islamist extremism is the greatest challenge
facing America. When asked today by Portland's
Rob Caldwell what credentials Sarah Palin had regarding
that issue he could only answer:
"She knows energy."
That's honestly the best he could do. And the truth is, it's clear
that she doesn't understand energy.
McCain doesn't mention George Bush any longer because George Bush
and his policies are political poison.
However, John McCain's policies are exactly the same as George
Bush's. I wonder if John McCain even understands the concept of
finally, the chairman of the Republican Party of Michigan is seeing
to it that anyone whose home was foreclosed doesn't
get to vote based on that address.
Lose your house. Lose your vote.
Republicans are all about making sure you can't vote. Democrats
are all about making sure you get to vote. The
choice seems simple to me.
Late-arriving news --- It's been revealed that
Sarah Palin's famous trip to Iraq never got
the Kuwait border. This
also means, as has been confirmed by her aides, that
never met the troops, either.
So she's a massive earmark queen, did not sell the governor's plane on ebay (and
in fact sold it at a loss in a private sale), supported the Bridge to Nowhere
and never visited the troops in Iraq. These are the four greatest accomplishments
on her resume' and they're all lies.
Bald-faced lies.
You've been had, America.
Sarah Palin arrived back in Alaska on Saturday
she was greeted by about 1000 supporters in downtown
But just down the street 1700 people calling themselves "Alaska
Women Reject Palin" raised hell about this trainwreck of a
VP selection.
What? you did't hear about this on the local news? What a surprise.
Go here for more on the story and LOADs of great photos
plus a video.
of the Alaskan National Guard, Major General Craig Campbell, began
contradicting Sarah Palin's claim of commanding the state's national
guard shortly after her selection as veep. Quote the major:
“[Palin plays] no role in national defense activities, even when they involve
the Alaska National Guard.”
“The Alaskan governor is not in the site’s chain of command and has
no authority over its operations.”
However, he recently changed his tune, saying:
"National Guards are state military forces run by governors, and Sarah Palin
does it great.”
Now why would Major Campbell change his mind?
Oh, yeah, he just got a major
That's change you can profit from.
when John McCain went to Louisiana for Hurricane Gustav?
Question: Why isn't he in Texas for hurricane Ike?
Answer: He's a hypocritical bastard only interested in publicity
% of profit made made by CitiCorp from
credit cards in 2006: 18
The % in 2007: 79
This is not primarily a John McCain story. This is a note about
how badly the Republican Party as a whole has destroyed the American
middle class.
Rove's reinvention as a pundit on Fox News wasn't too surprising.
He's right at home with all the other neocon turds floating in
Murdoch's septic tank.
However, on Fox News Sunday a mere whisp of the truth somehow managed
to force its way past his lying teeth and into the free air:
"McCain has gone in some of his ads similarly gone one step too far in sort
of attributing to Obama things that are, you know…beyond, beyond, beyond
the, the 100% truth test."
Later on that day Rove went on to opine that water is kinda wet
and that girls are still yucky.
the fix continues to be in.
As though the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on Bush's watch
weren't coincidence enough, now the new chief executive in charge
of those entities is Herbert M. Allison, Jr.
So what, you say?
So he ran the finance committee for Senator McCain's 2000 presidential
Yes, the cronies are being installed even BEFORE McCain is awarded
the throne.
Bloomberg Television this weekend former Federal Reserve Chairman
Slan Greenspan said that the country can't afford John McCain's
massive $3.3 trillion tax cuts without spending reductions.
Reductions on what? Education? Infrastructutre? The military? Viagra?
John McCain is clearly a corporate stooge depending on other idiots
to vote for him by dangling bright shiny objects in front of their
2007 Senator McCain used to be in favor of embryonic stem cell
research, saying "...it holds the best opportunity to relieve
the pain and suffering of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,
all these terrible debilitating diseases.”
Now he's against it. His web site says so.
I guess it just slipped his little 72-year-old mind when he went
on The View last Friday and challenged anyone to find an issue
he's flip-flopped on.
McCain, it seems, never lets a moment pass that he does not mention
his military service in the US Navy. Considering the barrage of
half-truths and outright lies that have spewed from his lips these
past weeks let's reexamine the US Naval Academy's "Honor Concept":
"Midshipmen are persons of integrity: They stand for that which is right."
"They tell the truth and ensure that the full truth is known. They do not
Oh, that's right. Mr. McCain himself has said he can't define the
word "honor". Figures.
This just in: The
National Organization of Women formally
endorsed Barack Obama today. This is very unusual
as this group, over 5000,000 members stong, rarely
ever publicly supports presidential candidates.
So why did they choose Obama? Little Miss Mooseburger and her paleolithic view
of women's rights.
Yes, this is big.
Good going, John. Good going, Karl.
Adam Boles is a first cousin of John McCain and he's written a
lengthy and heartfelt letter to the Tampa Bay Times outlining
how much Mr. McCain has altered his political stance over the
past year. Quote Mr. Boles:
"So, where is the straight-talking, commonsense John McCain of 2000? I'm
afraid he is long gone, replaced by a desperate version of himself who seems
to contradict nearly everything he once stood for."
can read the whole letter here.
John McCain doesn't know how to use a computer, he can't even send
email, but now he says he's partly repsonsible for the invention
of cell phones, bluetooth, Wi-Fi and *gasp* the Blackberry. Quote
Mr. McCain:
"Under my guiding hand, Congress developed a wireless spectrum policy that
spurred the rapid rise of mobile phones and Wi-Fi technology that enables Americans
to surf the web while sitting at a coffee shop, airport lounge, or public park."
His spokesman, Douglas Holtz-Eakins, went on to say: "You're
looking at the miracle [The Blackberry]John McCain Helped create
and that's what he did."
Gee, John, then why did you vote against the Telecommunications
Act of 1996, one which further broadened the use of the internet
and cell phones?
And why did you also vote against the government auction that opened
up the communcation spectrum to devices like the Blackberry.
And why are you voting against Internet Neutrality, John? And why
did you vote to tax purchases on the internet, John? And why did
you oppose the E-Rate program designed to wire schools to the internet?
And why did you sponsor legislation in 2002 (it didn't pass) which
gave telecommuniction companies total monopolies on service in
their areas, John?
Up yours, John.
Sarah Palin is ensnared in a little Alaskan scandal called Troopergate.
Perhaps you've heard of it. The main thrust of the story is that
Little Miss Mooseburger fired a public official because he wouldn't
fire Ms. Palin's ex brother-in-law, a police officer.
It all seems very petty but there's a really nasty side to the
story you probably don't know.
You see, Alaska has a sexual violence against women problem that's
of epidemic proportions and the state's leading advocate for violence
prevention is Walt Monnegan.
Who's he? Well, that's the fellow that Ms. Palin fired. Yes, that's
right. Because Ms. Palin's sister had a bad marriage all the other
women in Alaska now have to pay the price.
Would it help if I mentioned that, during this period, Governor
Palin also suspended funding to the anti-violence programs?
Didn't think so.
One more thing... In the beginning Ms. Palin assured everyone she'd
do everything in her power to get to the bottom of this matter.
Today her lawyers said "No fuckin' way!".
Are you surprised?
Just a reminder: John McCain's campaign committee is made up of
former lobbyists. That's not a good thing. As Mr. Obama puts it:
If you think those lobbyists are working
day and night for John McCain just to
put themselves out of business, well,
then, I've got a bridge to sell you up
in Alaska."
So yesterday, in the face of a 500-point stock market plunge, John
McCain got up in front of God and everybody and announced that
everything was hunky-dory. You could all go back to your homes
because everything's under control.
And then his handlers realized what he'd said and spent the next
two days perfoming damage repair. You see, he meant to say "The
WORKERS are the ones that are doing great. Yeah, the workers. And
how DARE that Obama guy belittle America's workers. You guys believe
me, right? Guys?"
Now shut up and go shopping.
Today Sen. John McCain said that if he were president, he would
fire SEC Chairman Chris Cox for his “betrayal of trust” leading
up to this week’s financial market crisis.
Small problem with that, Big John... it's unconstitutional. A president
cannot fire the chair of an independent regulatory commission.

If you don't understand what's been going on down on Wall Street
here's a simplified explanation:
• Lehman Brothers was like the little kid pulling the tail of a dog. You
know the kid is going to get hurt eventually, and so no one is surprised when
the dog turns around and bites the kid. But the kid only hurts himself, so no
one really cares that much.
• Bear Stearns is the little pyro -- the kid who was always playing with
matches. He could harm not only himself, but burns his own house down, and indeed,
he could have burnt down the entire neighborhood. The Fed stepped in not to protect
him, but the rest of the block.
• AIG is the kid who accidentally stumbled into a bio-tech warfare lab
... finds all these unlabeled vials, and heads out to the playground with a handful
of them jammed into his pockets.
Keep in mind that the failure of all of these institutions is due
to McCain's BFF, Phil Gramm's meddling with the Glass-Steagall

And a final word from Barack Obama on the suddenly populist John
"And now he tells us that he’s the one who’s gonna’
take on the old boys network. The old boys network? In the McCain campaign that’s
called a staff meeting."
Let's start with Barack Obama's resume':
Graduate of Columbia University.
Graduated 1st in his class from Harvard Law School.
Was president of the Harvard Law Review.
Taught Constitutional Law for 12 years at University of Chicago
Law School.
Served as State Senator for Illinois from 1996-2004.
Elected U.S. Senator from Illinois in 2004.
Sounds good to me.
John McCain owns 13 cars. No Ford Mavericks, though.
Barack Obama owns one car. It's a hybrid.
John McCain earned 28 medals for flying only 23 combat missions,
a total of 20 hours in the air. Seems a bit disproportionate, doesn't
Senator McCain has
slipped images of wind turbines into his TV ads,
suggesting he's an advocate for alternative energies.
In fact, he's said:
"I have a long record of that support of alternate energy. I come from a
state where we have sunshine 360 days a year ... I've always been for all of
those and I have not missed any crucial vote."
Uh, no.
John McCain has voted against renewable energy bills over 50 times
since 1990. You can read more about it here.
BTW, did you know that six weeks after being elected senator, 35
years ago, Joe Biden's first wife and daughter died in a car crash?
A lesser man might have used that woeful tale to his political
advantage. <cough *POW* cough>
the nice lady in the picture? That's Sarah Palin, circa 1995.
See the papers on her desk? That's John Birch Society literature,
also from 1995.
The John Birch Society, in case you don't know, was invented by
Robert Welch back in 1958. He wanted to develop a secret, monolithic
organization that was at odds with communism, civil rights, and
democracy. Yes, democracy, something he described as "a weapon
of demagoguery".
In short, right-wing wackos.
So.... why are those papers on her desk?
The presidential and vice-presidential debate formats have been
finalized and what's that I hear? The VP debates have been especially
formulated to protect Sarah Palin as she's an inexperienced debater?
Sorry, toots, but if you're applying for the job of garbageman
you gotta prove you can swing them cans. If you have to insist
on "special rules" just for you then you've already lost
the debate.
Some pit bull, huh?
Did you know if you go to Google and type in "John McCain" you'll
get Sarah Palin's picture?
Nah, I'm just fuckin' with you.
(I hate to keep going on about Ms. Palin but she's SUCH a fat target.
Look! Here she comes again!)
Sarah Palin likes to tell voters around the country about how she "put
the government checkbook online" in Alaska. On Thursday, Palin
suggested she would take that same proposal to Washington.
"We’re going to do a few new things also," she said at a rally
in Cedar Rapids. "For instance, as Alaska’s governor, I put the government’s
checkbook online so that people can see where their money’s going. We’ll
bring that kind of transparency, that responsibility, and accountability back.
We’re going to bring that back to D.C."
There’s just one problem with proposing to put the federal
checkbook online – somebody’s already done it. His
name is Barack Obama.
And a final word from Chuck Hagel, Republican Senator:
"I think it’s a stretch to, in any way, to say that [Palin's] got
the experience to be president of the United States. I think they ought to be
just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, ‘I look out my window
and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia'. That kind of
thing is insulting to the American people."
Now THERE's some straight talk from a republican senator.
you really want to know how hip-deep McCain is
in the current flood of economic doo-doo then read
It probably wouldn't surprise you to learn that the 2008 Republican
Party Platform, adopted in early September, says:
"We do not support government bailouts of private institutions. Government
interference in the markets exacerbates problems in the marketplace and causes
the free market to take longer to correct itself."
I could have sworn McCain was a Republican yesterday.

Senator John McCain: "As a politician, I am instinctive, often
impulsive. I don’t torture myself over decisions. I make
them as quickly as I can, quicker than the other fellow, if I can.
Often, my haste is a mistake, but I live with the consequences
without complaint."
That's not a good description of a president, that's a human cannonball.
The lobbying firm of William Timmons Sr., who John McCain tapped
to run his presidential transition team, earned more than a quarter
of a million dollars this year representing Freddie Mac, one of
the companies McCain blames for the nation’s financial crisis.
Timmons himself has been personally “registered to lobby
for Freddie Mac from 2000 through this month.”
While we're on the
subject of pure graft it seeems that McCain's campaign
manager, Rick Davis, spent five years working as
an "advocate" for dergulation inside
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. He earned about $2
million dollars but, as a former spokesman
for Fannie Mae reveals, he
didn't really do anything except act as a conduit
to John McCain.
Sounds nice, but those with consciences need not apply.

Not only did Sarah Palin try to get her ex brother-in-law, Mike
Wooten, fired from his job as a state trooper, she also tried to
deny him worker compensation benefits for an injured back, going
so far as to have her husband Todd stalk him with a camera in hand.
His most damaging testimony showed Wooten riding a snowmobile.
In Alaska. In winter.
Yeah, stalking someone is pretty much normal behavior for a governor...
in North Korea, maybe.
Just imagine this bitch with Dick Cheney power.
Oh. My. Dog.
What's it like working for Sarah Palin? Spiffy, if you like beating
your head against a wall covered with sharp chunks of toxic waste,
according to this
first-hand report.
More from the Straight Poop Express: After little more than 19
months in office as Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin spent only 85
actual workdays in the state capitol. That compares with 168 days
that the state legislature was in session.
Legislator's actually went around wearing pins that read "Where's
Yup, she's a Bush republican.
Both McCain and Palin keep catapulting the propaganda that Alaska
provides 20% of America's energy needs.
It's much closer to 3.5 percent.
That's a 600% lie.
Governor Palin:
(A) Has studied all the environmental data and has come to the
conclusion that it was all booshwah and that the polar bears are
doing just fine.
(B) She's just another typical Republican dunderhead that likes
to kill things and pump oil.
Debate Mini-Critique: Funny thing about human nature...
only the most psychotic of us can look another person
in he eye and lie to his face repeatedly. Which explains
McCain refused to look at Barack Obama during the debate
as evidently even he is
human enough to feel shame for what he had to do Friday
On that note, I'd like to thank Mr. McCain for telegraphing each whopper by prefacing
them with the prosaic tell "Here's something my opponent doesn't understand".
The ample warning allowed me plenty of time to talk to the plants, brush the
cat, scratch my butt or something else monumentally more important by comparison.
As we used to say about Nixon: Would you buy a used car from this man?
One additional note about this "eye contact" situation from a primate
"I think people really are missing the point about McCain's failure to look
at Obama. McCain was afraid of Obama. It was really clear--look at how much McCain
blinked in the first half hour. I study monkey behavior--low ranking monkeys
don't look at high ranking monkeys. In a physical, instinctive sense, Obama owned
McCain tonight and I think the instant polling reflects that."
BTW, if you REALLY think John McCain has, as he said, "consistently voted
for alternative energy" then I don't have a bridge to sell you in Alaska.
For a very in-depth, progressive analysis of the debate, visit thinkprogress.
It's a funny thing about the people who support McCain
for president ... they already had their chance to
elect him in 2000 and
Are you telling me they're actually going to vote for someone less
popular and less capable than Bush?
It was very dramatic, though transparently idiotic, when John McCain
suspended his campaign in order to stage a publicity stunt involving
the bail-out. But
he'd done this before, staging the exact "suspending
his campaign" thing in 1999. Although it garnered an avalanche
of media attention at the time it failed to get him to the White
House then, too.
With that in mind, "Way to go, genius!"
So McCain flies to Washington to help straighten out this economic
mess and all he does, according to the New York Times, is
just sit there.
There are also reports that he offered less regulation and lower
taxes for the rich. That's also like saying he's a maverick.
is the very best primer of the Wall Street Meltdown. Here's
a small example:
What was neoliberal restructuring
all about?
Neoliberal restructuring took the form of Reaganism and Thatcherism
in the North and Structural Adjustment in the South. The aim was
to invigorate capital accumulation, and this was to be done by
1) removing state constraints on the growth, use, and flow of capital
and wealth; and 2) redistribute income from the poor and
middle classes to the rich on the theory that the rich
would then be motivated to invest and reignite economic growth.
The problem with this formula was that in redistributing income
to the rich, you were gutting the incomes of the poor and
middle classes, thus restricting demand, while not necessarily
inducing the rich to invest more in production.

You're looking at a $5,500
make-up job as John McCain gets ready for his
appearance with Katy Couric.
What's that I remember about a $400 haircut? Something about it
being "elite"?
But, seriously, anyone who requires almost $6000 worth of make-up
shoudn't be in front of a camera, anyway.

Is McCain ill?
Comparisons of recent videos of the senator reveal alarming indications
of a possible stroke. Click
here and see for yourself.
This may not be anything, but the videos paint a clear picture
that something is amiss. If he's truly suffering a serious malady
it's the public's right to know.
Having said that McCain has yet to supply his medical records to
reporters. Considering his records consist of over 10,000 pages
of information the least it would do is give the reporters off
his ass between now and November 4th.
so we're clear on this, Sarah Palin is a joke. Anyone
who has seen the Katy Couric interviews can plainly
see this.
Even worse for Miss Mooseburger is that CBS reportedly has two additinal snippets
from the interview that will dispell any doubts that she's just a stunt veep.
CBS isn't saying they'll release the two segments but where ratings (I.E., money)
is involved you can bet on eventual full disclosure.
First, McCain's campaign manager denies he had lobbying ties to
Freddie Mac. Then it was proved he did and that he was, in
fact, paid a quite handsome sum by the David Manafort lobbying
firm until just last month.
Now it seems that McCain has paid almost a million dollars in campaign
dough to a web
company called 3eDC, a site jointly-owned by
both David and Manafort.
3eDC has only one customer... John McCain.
I'm in the web design business. McCain does not have a million
dollar web site. Not even close.
Mmmmm, slime-a-licious.
though she's not ludicrous enough Sarah Palin apparently believes
that dinosaurs and homo sapiens inhabited the Earth at the same
It's going to break her heart once they tell her the truth about
the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Jesus.
Parker is a famously conservative writer for the famously conservative
National Review. So it's pretty serious business when she writes
something like this:
"Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and
now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who
Is Clearly Out Of Her League. Only Palin can save McCain, her party,
and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because
she wants to spend more time with her newborn."
Sorry, Kathleeen, but the public would be even less interested
in a freaky Mormon or a democrat-stabbing jew as replacement.
the first presidential debate John McCain promised he would reach
out to the other side of the political aisle, to govern in a non-partisan
So who has McCain convened with concerning the bail-out? All Republicans.
Zero Democrats. The one time he confronted the opposition party,
during the bipartisan meeting at the White House, he sat mutely,
offering nothing.
That, uh, speaks for itself.
BTW, McCain promised he'd return to Capitol Hill after the debate
to help with the bail-out negotiations. He didn't, instead holing-up
in his Arlington, VA condo.
to Raging Pencils