July 2008
Get to
know the REAL John McCain. And share, won't you?
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7-2-2008 |
Men join the military knowing they are risking their
lives. They don't do it for the money or for the glory, they do it because
it enobles them. And when they die in battle, we honor their service to our
These are the men who are heroes to us all, for they cashed the fragile currency
of their lives fulfilling their pledge to protect America from its enemies,
both real or imagined.
To be sure, there are living heroes, too. These are the soldiers who ignored
the spectre of imminent death in order to save their brothers in arms. We're
when these men survive the gantlet as it helps buffer the sorrow for those
who didn't. They are avatars against the evil that men do.
John Kerry is a hero. John McCain is not.
In 1967, then-lieutenant John McCain did nothing more heroic than get shot
out of the air by the enemy. He had, to this point, crashed four planes and,
in this instance, failed to follow rules regarding missile attack. He subsequently
bailed out of his aircraft in a way which was certain to break his arms and
From then on he suffered the same fate of every other prisoner of war. He did
nothing heroic except continue to live, but they seldom give medals
for that.
We should all honor Mr. McCain for his service to this country, even though
having a father who was an admiral made his Navy enlistment a fait
accompli. But
the next time anyone refers to him as a war hero, please tell them to save
it for the servicemen who truly deserve it.
was against the repeal of Roe v. Wade before
he was for it.
McCain was against torture before he was for it. Now he's really for it.
McCain was against crazy right-wing preachers like Jerry Falwell
and Pat Robertson before he was for them.
McCain was against Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy before
he was for them.
McCain was against shady Bush “Pioneer” Texas billionaire
swift-boat financiers before he was for them.
McCain was for the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, the
one he helped wirte, before he was against it and began breaking
McCain was against Grover Norquist, whom he called “corrupt,
a shill for dictators“ before he was for him.
McCain was against Bob Jones University because of its “hateful,” “racist
and cruel” policies before he was for it.
McCain was against ethanol before he was for ethanol and then
he was against it again.
McCain was against a Martin Luther King holiday before he was
for it.
What is he for now? What is he against? Does it matter anymore?
is a semi-oldie-but-transparant-ie from Senator
McCain on 12-29-07:
“Now we’ve got the cables. We’ve got talk radio. We’ve
got the bloggers. I hate the bloggers. We’ve got all kinds of sources of
Senator McCain is a man who self-admittedly doesn't know how
to use a computer. I'll lay anyone even money that he couldn't
tell a blog from a splog from a user forum from a shout-box.
Anyone who's that far out of the internet loop has no business
running an economy that couldn't do without the internet.
And now a rant in a minor key:
Barack Obama majored in political science and international relations
at Columbia University. At Harvard Law School he majored in Constitutional
Law. He graduated magnum cum laude. This is obviously a man who
puts a lot of emphasis on learning.
John McCain graduated 894 out of 899 of his class at the U.S.
Naval Academy. There is no indication what he majored in. We've
already had one C-student president, and that's enough.
John McCain entered the navy after graduation and became a bomber
pilot. Let's think about that for a minute. A bomber pilot is
a glorified bus driver, someone just bright enough to go from
point A to point B and, hopefully, get home in one piece. He
was not a fighter pilot, a position requiring a greater degree
of physical and intellectual demands on a person. (Yes, George
Bush trained to be a "fighter pilot", but he was coward who specifically
chose not to fight for his country.)
Also feel the
warmth as you piss yourself. (Not Photoshopped)
Congress took its July 4th break Senator John
McCain took the opportunity to become hilariously
sanctimonious about it, complaining that all
those other naughty Congressman were wasting
time and not getting the people's business
Neatly forgetting that he himself had missed 61% of the votes
during the last session of Congress. Including the GI Bill, the
one he claims to have supported, the one that he, in fact, opposed.
And, in fact, the last time he voted was April 8th. That's two
months ago.
What a maverick... which
is defined as a "stray calf".
Now it all makes sense.
John McCain creeps everybody out.
McCain is on a roll these days. The man seemingly
can't open either of his mouths without somehow
stuffing the collective feet of the LA Lakers
down them.
F'rinstance, during a
recent "town hall" meeting
(Supposedly open to all,
only a specifically chosen
Republican group was
alloed to attend)
in Denver Senator McCain
Security "a
This was based on the outrageous notion that the SS taxes of
younger workers are being allocated to retirees.
You know... just like it's supposed to work. And has worked for
all these years.
At the same time Mr. McCain is receiving almost $60,000 a year
for being considered 100% disabled by the military. And if that's
not just another form of social security, I don't know what is.
And who pays for this tidy stipend? You, me, young workers.
The horror.
So what's his answer to this "problem"? It's either privatization
or it's not privatization. It just depends which day you ask
him about it.
Talk about your revealing moments.
8 seconds?
Yeah, this is the guy we need
answering the phone at 3AM.
61-year-old librarian was removed by police
from a recent
McCain campaign event, a town hall meeting
which was supposedly open to the public, because
she was holding a sign which read "McCain
= Bush". A representative for the McCain
campaign said it was the Secret Service who
removed her.
The representative for the McCain campaign lied.
Said Malcolm D. Wiley, the horse's mouth for the Secret Service, “Contrary
in Ms. Kreck being removed from the area. It was not done at our request
or suggestion. Any assertion to the contrary is inaccurate and inconsistent with
our established
policies and procedures.”
See video of the event below.
And the Stray Calf Express rolls on.
It's clear that
the police need to bone up on what the First Amendment means.
McCain's own:
• A $4.7 million condo in Phoenix
• An $830,000 condo in Phoenix
• A $700,000 condo in Phoenix
• Two condos worth $4.7 in Coronado, California.
• A ranch outside Sedona, Arizona.
• A condo in Arlington, Virginia
• A condo in La Jolla, California.
The McCain budget for household employees is $275,000.
For some time in 2007 Cindy McCain held balances of $750,000
on several credit cards.
Mrs. McCain, who is licensed
to fly, has also recently
been quoted as saying "the
only way to get around
Arizona is by small private
Just everyday, non-elitist folks.
foreign policy adviser recently said:
"I think the American people have had enough of inflexibility and stubbornness
in national security policy... We cannot afford to replace one administration
that refused for too long to acknowledge failure in Iraq with a candidate that
refuses to acknowledge success in Iraq."
Wait? What?
If that doesn't cheer you up then how about a joke told by McCain
a few years ago:
Did you hear the one
about the woman who is
attacked on the street
by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to
die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak,
her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly
ask, ‘Where is that marvelous ape?’
Oh, that John McCain. What a wag.
A couple
of things:
First: John McCain has
lately begun referring
to the media as the "Cable Monsters".
What this means is that the press will
continue to report that McCain's poop
smells like roses, because their corporate
bosses OWN their scrawny asses. For precisely
the same reason they'll rapturously parrot
McCain's nonsense about media abuse because
it will make him look like a victim,
thus effectively short-circuiting the
Left's ability to point out the unceasing
tongue-bath McCain receives daily from
these very same media toadies.
Second, Linda Pfotenhauer, McCain's senior
policy advisor, has been trumpeting the
cause of Big Oil's need to drill offshore
by lying about the resultant damage
of Katrina. The talking point in heavy rotation is that not a drop of oil was
lost from offshore platforms due to the hurricane. "Trust us" say the
oil companies.
As Linda put it: "I’m aware
that off the coast of Louisiana and Texas
there are oil rigs, as we well know, and those rigs have survived, very successfully,
the impacts of hurricanes."
In reality there were 113 offshore oil rigs totally
destroyed by Katrina.
And, oh yes, they leaked.
Recently the New York
Times printed an op-ed piece written by Barack
Obama, outlining in great detail his plans for
the US military in the Middle East.
The McCain campaign then offered their rebuttal to the the NYT,
which was rejected. The reason for the rejection was, and I'm
the words
of David Shipley, editor of the NYT, "What the heck is this?"
It seems that McCain's plans didn't include any plans, didn't
say much of anything, evidently. In Mr. Shipley's own words:
"It would be terrific to have an article from Senator McCain that mirrors
Senator Obama’s piece. To that end, the article would have to articulate,
in concrete terms, how Senator McCain defines victory in Iraq. It would also
have to lay out a clear plan for achieving victory — with troops levels,
timetables and measures for compelling the Iraqis to cooperate. And it would
need to describe the senator’s Afghanistan strategy, spelling out how it
meshes with his Iraq plan."
One more thing... did you know that John McCain, who is married
to a multil-millionaire, who alreadys gets a $60,000-a-year military
pension for being 100% disabled (which means you're totally unable
to work) also receives $25,000 a year in Social Security payments?
This wouldn't be such a big deal if he didn't publicly complain
about the SS system being a "disgrace" since old people
get money from funds provided by the young.
So give the money back, you whiny old hypocrite. Be an example,
not a rich fucking mooch.
While I'm borrowing
stuff, this is from "Bill
in Portland Maine", a contributor
to dailykos.com:
You don't know how to use the internet, you don't know that Czechoslovakia
is no longer a country, you don't know Sunni from Shia, you don’t
know much about the economy, you're uninformed about women's
health issues, you don't know whether you're for or against gay
adoption, stem cell research or setting a timetable for withdrawal
from Iraq, you don't know what countries share a border with
Pakistan, you don't know when the surge began, you no longer
object to waterboarding or closing Guantanamo, you don't tell
the truth about your votes on veterans issues, you said Putin
was the leader of Germany, you think alternative energy means
switching from regular to premium, you say you know how to win
wars but you haven't actually won any, your idea of a funny joke
is suggesting different ways to kill people in other countries,
you want to keep giving tax breaks to the wealthy but not the
middle and lower class, you confuse Somalia with Sudan, you thought
voting for the Iraq war was an exercise in good judgment, you
once said "I disagree with what the majority of Americans
want," you think Social Security is "a disgrace," your
idea of health care is apparently 'take more vitamins,' you voted
to support Bush's policies 95 percent of the time last year and
100 percent of the time this year, and over the course of a single
week you unfairly attacked both your opponent's patriotism and
his humanity...
Then tell me again, Senator McCain: why should Americans vote
for you?
This is old news by
now but I have to share.
Senator John McCain appeared on CBS News in an interview with
Katie Couric last Thursday whereupon he made an incredibly bone-headed
claim about the so-called "surge". He said that the
surge was responsible for the Sunni uprising when, in fact, the
uprising occurred the previous year. This from a man basing his
campaign on knowing all the answers to our military problems.
So what did CBS do? They remixed the tape to make McCain seem
like less of a boob.
Think for just a moment why CBS would destroy
its journalistic credibility like this and then go buy your "The
Revolution Will Not Be Televised" bumper
sticker now.
Rather than re-hash all the details please watch the much superior
segment from Keith Olbermann's "Countdown" program,
as seen in the youtube segment below.
Before you do, please consider that McCain's little brain-fart
could only be the result of one of two things:
(1) He purposely lied about the timeline of the surge so that
he could make the US military, and himself, look better.
(2) He honestly didn't know.
Either of these possibilities make him unfit to be the leader
of this country.
When John McCain dumped
his crippled wife for his new beer heiress wife
he didn't do things in neat little stages like
most people:
(1) Divorce wife
(2) Court and marry new wife
No, his list was more like:
(1) Have sex with beer heiress.
(2) Go home to wife.
(3) Have lots more sex with beer heiress.
(4) Get marriage license.
(5) Divorce wife.
(6) Marry beer heiress.
You can read the Los Angeles Times blow-by-blow account of the
affair here.
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